syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

HAPPINESS is the key to success?! Or is it the other way around? (TED talk by Shawn Achor)

 by Shawn Achor  
(12 minutes; watchworthy; setup is 2:45 then it takes off; positive psychology; brain-focused; at about 10:00 good stuff)

This makes sense when you think about it. We operate under the idea that success leads to happiness and we teach it to our kids–if you work harder you’ll be successful and THEN you’ll be happy.…

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Socratic Circles: The Circle of Life–at school!

Held my FIRST Socratic Circle about plastics (#1-7) and our abundant reliance on and use of #1 water bottles– with my 6th graders. We read text, marked it, and did inner and outer circle.  It was my FIRST time to use Socratic Circles I am shocked and embarrassed to say after only 17 years!
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Manifesto of Successful Learning

Last week I had the opportunity to take part in a presentation for all the prod reps in our district. The presentation ended with a focus on creating a personal professional development plan. When asked if we already had a professional development plan,  I smugly raised my hand.…

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Connecting Networks – Opening Silos

I spent time this weekend reading part of a report titled Next Generation of Community Revitalization, published by The Bridgespan Group. The report profiled initiatives that are bringing together many different partners in “collective efforts” aimed at solving complex problems.…

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Tapping cognitive surplus

This photo was posted this morning at Learning2Gether:The Podcast. In the article Vance Stephens (shown in photo with me) describes the session we co-moderated yesterday in the Learning2Gether portal.

Vance says of the session: “Dan talked about how he conceives channeling knowledge into action through a 4-part strategy he articulated through mindmaps and other visuals.…

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Navigating Information Overload – MOOCs

Often I learn to understand what I’ve been doing by seeing how others present similar ideas. Over the past few years I’ve followed many people who share ideas in a variety of blogs, web sites, videos, social media sites, etc. I’ve pointed to many on my own blog and web site and even collect some of the links in my web library.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs