syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Why Do Learners Drop out of a Course?


Despite the best laid plans, the loudest bells and whistles and the loftiest experts in your learning network, learners might enroll only to drop after the first two weeks. There is nothing more heartbreaking than to see the dropout rates of a seemingly perfect course rise above the horizon.

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A Visual Tilt-a-Whirl, a Carny Ride of Systems Thinking – Ride With Me

Terry Elliot, who I first met during the 2014 Making Learning Connected MOOC, posted this “Visual Tilt-a-Whirl” statement as an introduction to a July 19th Faceblook post. He included the graphic below, and a link to his blog, where he describes the graphic.…

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Quality Matters Monday: Standard 3.5

QMIt’s Quality Matters Monday! Each Monday, we highlight a Quality Matters standard and review its importance in an online course and how we evaluate this standard.

Today, we are reviewing Quality Matters Standards 3.5.

General Standard 3 addresses the inclusion of assessments that evaluate learner progress in achieving the stated learning objectives or mastering the competencies.

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Badges, Trello and Organisation


While I enjoy a geeky lifehack blog post as well as the next person I rarely take the advice. My inbox is pretty messy, I have no consistent way of organising files and I keep notes in text files in several different places (mostly dropbox), links in…

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Glow Blogs 558 days in

This is a pretty random time to look back, but I was browsing through some old posts here looking for a link and came across this from 22nd December 2013, before I was started my secondment to the Glow Team. I’ve changed the unordered list to an ordered one so that I can score myself.…

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Domains for pupils an idea for now?

Pano from  Beinn Bhreac

Here are a great series of articles that I came across this morning. I’d recommend everyone interested in the Internet and education to read them.

For someone who reads a lot online I do not dip into TES often. So I was excited to find:
Jim Knight: ‘Let’s give all students their own domain name – and watch the digital learning that follows’ today.…

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Maslow’s Hierarchy of eLearning Needs

Maslow's Hierarchy of eLearning NeedsAbraham Maslow did wonders for understanding human needs and motivations by creating a simple and applicable scale. After creating his scale, called the Hierarchy of Needs, Maslow himself started to apply his work to various disciplines. Following in this trend, the principles of his Hierarchy can be applied directly to the work an eLearning team performs.

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Quality Matters Monday: Standard 3.4

QMIt’s Quality Matters Monday! Each Monday, we highlight a Quality Matters standard and review its importance in an online course and how we evaluate this standard.

Today, we are reviewing Quality Matters Standards 3.4.

General Standard 3 addresses the inclusion of assessments that evaluate learner progress in achieving the stated learning objectives or mastering the competencies.

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what is the purpose of school?

A little while ago by friend Oliver Schiinkten sent me a tweet asking: 
I responded with a quick tweet back:
And I said that I would probably have to write a blog post to actually explain what I really think. In the mean time, my fantastic friends (and super fast bloggers) Denise Krebs and Joy Kirr responded with their ideas here and here.
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Constant Improvement – Inspired By Others

I’ve written about MOOCs in the past, and I’m taking part in the 2015 Making Learning Connected MOOC right now. Participants are encouraged to “make” digital images, trying out new tools. Learning from others is part of the fundamental goal of MOOCs like this.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs