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CFP EXTENDED for Round Two of the AP 2014 Faculty Research Grant Program

AcademicPartnershipsWe have extended the call for proposals for round two of the 2014 Faculty Research Grant Program!

Proposals are now being accepted through this Friday, October 3rd.

The program, which has committed to providing $100,000 in funding in 2014, offers faculty or staff members of institutions working with AP-supported programs, the opportunity to apply for a grant to fund research that could increase understanding about the power of online learning.

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#ce14 #clmooc #etmooc Student Agency

How do we help students develop the insight and initiative to be life-long, productive learners contributing to a better world? How do we develop student agency? We know that motivation comes from a desire to learn, a purpose, an authentic interest, and a belief that success is possible.…

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TeachMeet at EduWiki Conference 2014


The EduWiki Conference 2014 (Wikimedia UK ) conference in in Edinburgh this year. I’ve been along to a few wikimedia meetings recently and we are arranging a TeachMeet to run along side the conference.

The Conference and Wikimedia/Wikipedia’s educational focus is very much aimed at higher education.…

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Spirit Week

I have the honor and the privledge of working at Bishop Carroll, one of the most fantastic schools in the city. We have a reputation for being one of the most welcoming high school communities. One of the ways we foster this sense of community is through relationship and team building opportunities.…

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Why I love cMOOCs

Why I love cMOOCs – (The c really stands for Canadian….)

I found MOOCs because someone encouraged me to go find the most engaging, motivating and interactive “thing” happening in Online Learning. At the time – April 2012 – that thing was MOOCs.…

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Do Listening Styles Matter in Online Learning?

eLearning_IndustryCommunicating is all about what you say… Right? The skill of listening is often overlooked in discussions of communication styles and techniques. But without being able to listen—and recognize how your conversation partner prefers to listen—you are not truly communicating. Understanding the different listening styles can help you improve your e-Learning content too.

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Grading Participation?

Today, I had an unexpected and quite interesting conversation about grades, including how we evaluate participation, and so I wanted to record some ideas here for further discussion. In the past, while teaching both as a TA and in my first few years at the secondary level, I’ve always built a participation component into my overall schema.…

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Tips for Online Students to Work Successfully in Virtual Group

Whether on the job or in school, you’ll find yourself participating in group projects. Working in groups provides a great opportunity to collaborate with other seasoned professionals and explore different viewpoints, strategies and solutions.

Because group projects can sometimes be challenging, especially for the online learner, we’ve created an infographic detailing some best practices for online group work.

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Connected Courses

I was aware of this activity, and had the intention of signing up earlier, if only to participate very peripherally. Tweets by Mariana, Simon and Maha made me decide to take a look. T
I am still very interested in some of the issues that came up in rhizo14, particularly around notions such dialogue, participation, community, learning and silence.…

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The Happiness of Being Creative… Energizing Thoughts for the Start of My School Year

Is there anything better than starting a new school year? The crisp smell of fall in the air (or a blanket of snow the first week of school if you live in Calgary), the anticipation of meeting your new students, the hope and dreams of the year to come.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs