My #ETMOOC Experience: a reflection on reflecting

When I found this particular MOOC and considered joining it (knowing I was starting grad school and was about to begin the BIG class project about midway through it) I looked at it as an opportunity to connect what I was learning in grad school (I’m working on a Masters in Educational Technology) to what I want to do in my classroom.…

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In the Home Stretch…Welcome Spring!

Today is the last day of my annual spring break.  It started anxiously, as I was scheduled for jury duty at my local courthouse.  That, happily, fell through, so I spent the week pretending I wasn’t a teacher.  Not as easy as that sounds, trust me.…

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Digital Citizenship: Putting Yourself Out There… Respectfully

In addition to this lovely professional reflection blog, I have a personal blog and a classroom blog.  I actually haven’t time for any of them, but because all the noise in my head needs to be sorted and put somewhere, one of the three places works for me.…

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Introversion and Technology: Update on My Quiet One

So, we’re at the point in our  project where the design teams have made decisions about whose building the space rover, whose  preparing the presentation and whose making sure everything gets done.  I was sitting at my desk Thursday watching my classic introvert work feverishly at the computer on her Glogster.…

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Digital Citizenship: Getting Our Feet Wet

So, yes, we’ve been blogging at Planet Science.  Its been going well.  I’ve kept it all relatively quiet as we’ve learned how to conduct ourselves online and how to present ourselves in a way that we won’t regret in the future.…

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So, What About the Auditory Learners?

My family thinks I’m insane.  I can open a streaming movie on Netflix, get it going, then minimize the movie, then insist they all be quiet so I can”watch” my movie in peace.  My principal thinks I’m not paying attention at staff meetings because I’m the one sitting in the back of the room, grading papers and/or leafing quietly through my Flipboard while she explains for the 7,000th time what needs to happen to improve grades.  …

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ET + PLC = 21st Century Learning on a Different Level

So, I took this class on teacher leadership and have a colleague taking a similar course this month and we got to thinking; why isn’t there a professional learning community in this damned building?  His focus is administration, mine is educational technology, we know what we need to have happen.  …

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One More Look @ Introversion: Digital Literacy and the Quiet Child

I wrote recently on how I use blogging to connect the introvert in my classroom  and have found it is making it much easier for my quiet students to connect to the lessons and participate with their classmates.  Something interesting is happening with one student in particular that I thought I’d share.…

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The Digital Storytelling Experiment

My students just finished a unit on the Moon.  We took a field trip to the Challenger Learning Center in our community and we were astronauts and mission specialists.  We had a ball.  At the debriefing at the end of our experience, we saw a video created by the interns at the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston.  …

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Digital Storytelling: Embracing the Creative

I don’t think I like digital story telling.  There, I said it.

Yes, I have a story to tell. Yes, I can do this digitally.

No, I don’t wanna.

Maybe I’m just from another generation (I’m 51) and just like having the story in my head, after reading the words on a piece of paper.  …

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