Connecting: One Last Thought – Connectivism and the Introvert

Still trying to catch up with things, I’m listening to Sue Waters talk about the ins and outs of Blogging with Your Students and I am thinking about my class website/blog and all the trouble I’ve been having getting my students to blog.…

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Connecting: Moving Forward

I have been so busy this week with things in my classroom and my teacher leadership class as part of my masters program that I haven’t had time to stop and smell the #etmooc until today.  So, while listening to George Couros talk about connecting to your administrators and using social media in a way that can change education and the way we all learn, I stopped and thought:  Who am I connected to and why?…

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Connecting: Classroom Projects

I’ve always felt to was important to be aware of how others in the world live, work and play.  I remember having a pen pal, from Arizona, when I was in 3rd grade.  We’ve lost touch, but I’ll always remember discovering truths about Native Americans, seeing pictures of the different ecosystems and learning a little Spanish.…

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Connecting: Doing It Without Trying (sorta)

This week was a lesson in overdoing.

In my classroom, we’re excited about an upcoming field trip where we will be “mission specialists” on a Moon Mission… I just finished “interviewing” all the “job applicants” and will spend the weekend placing everyone in their job positions so they can begin specific job training.  …

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Teacher Leadership, EdTech , #ETMOOC, oh my!

I’m in grad school, working diligently towards my degree in Educational Technology.  The course I started this week is on Teacher Leadership and already, I’m able to see the comparisons to working in educational technology.

amen to THAT!

One article in particular has caused a good deal of reflection for me: Teacher Leadership, by Shelly Kurtz outlines what makes a good instructional leader in a school building and how this doesn’t necessarily mean being the principal.…

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Starting the Project.. .Adding the Technology

So, anyone that has been reading my dribble here may have seen my comments on starting a project with my classes on finding water on Mars.  We’re starting with learning about the Moon, the only planetary body in the solar system humans have visited.…

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#ETMOOC day two.

So, I’m so excited about this!  I ran to my desktop at school this morning and emailed some of the teachers I thought might like to participate in this experience.  So, before the day is over, there might be at least one more joining the fray… possibly more!…

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