How Do you Learn from Twitter Chats and WallWisher

Ok, I will be honest, having done two twitter chat sessions for etmooc, or should I say following them while they flew by. I was not a fan! Tweetdeck did help a lot. I was able to follow #etmchat as well as see those messages directed at me.…

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Flip Cameras

This week we had a twilight session focussing on progress over time. One part of the session was dedicated to flip cameras, as school have just purchased some and will be distributing some of them to each department. We had a quick chat and came up with the following ideas between us:

  • Debating (e.g.
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Connected Learning: Getting Beyond Technological Determinism

Life lately has felt like one of those dreams where you’re in a cab with your third-grade teacher on the way to a conference presentation you forgot to prepare for and then suddenly the cab morphs into a giant recycling plant and everything is spinning and…


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Listening to the Other #ETMOOC Couros

Jumping into last night’s ETMOOC session “Introduction to becoming a Networked Administrator” (item T1S6) was fascinating. I have often joked, “Being an administrator is a job that involves everything I hate about education and nothing I like.” Yet, after listening to George Couros‘ presentation, he has me reconsidering that notion slightly.…

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Rhizomatic learning – notes from Dave Cromier #etmooc presentation 28 Jan 2013

I took some notes while Dave was speaking last night – I thought I would share in case you cannot make it to today’s repeat session:) Just jotting things down so not a perfectly flowing narrative but some interesting messages there.…

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Digital Identity: Express Yourself

This week has been  very thought-provoking in week in the #Etmooc adventure. As we are  entering our second week on the topic of “Connected Learning” I have started to see rumblings about identity and a digital presence. (May also have to do with the start-up of #edcmooc).…

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Effective learning in a cMOOC

Quote from Alec Couros on


For many people, even the more experienced networked learners, MOOCs can be overwhelming. In fact, some posit that complexity is an essential part of the experience. However, I am hoping to provide a bit of guidance and encouragement here to assure you that feelings of ‘being lost’ are common, but through persistence, sense-making, and personal connections, the vast majority of learners can persevere and make great gains through the dissonance and complexity.…

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Once More into the Breach

One of the most read posts on this blog is Hidden in the blue box, a post published about this time last year. At the time I was pretty hopeful about actually clearing the box, finishing the thesis, publishing it, and adding some more letters to the end of my name.…

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Tools, Tools, and More Tools (Google Hangout Take 2)

Took my second attempt at conducting a Google Hangout.  This time from my office to make use of my new iMac and duel screen. I am puzzled that my 4-year-old MacBook at home, seemingly on it’s last leg, out performed my 6 month old iMac.…

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My first #etmooc!

Registered for #etmooc two days ago…

I’m not quite sure what I got myself into just yet ;-) All I know is that 1) I have learned a great deal through my Twitter PLN last three years, 2) I do a lot of daily online learning, and 3) today is a good day to begin my massive  open online course — with a huge class.…

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