Self-directed Learning, Connected Learning, and the Unimportance of Teachers

As I begin to take part in week two of #etmooc, thinking about connected learning, I find myself reflecting on my own educational convictions and my own “learning history.”

In some ways, my education started when I realized the relative unimportance of teachers. …

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“Tell all the Truth …”

I was reading some poetry this evening, cause that’s what lit-geeks like me do, and serendipitously found this Emily Dickinson poem that resonated deeply with me on many levels, especially in regards to my quixotic pursuit of the paradigm shift with educational technology that I spoke of in my last post.…

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Google Hangout First Attempt #etmooc

I tried my hand at a Google Hangout for the first time today, which turned into an exercise of futility. However in the end I end up with a half way decent vlog. The general idea of the Hangout, outlined in my previous blog entry, was to offer some tips and strategies for working through the MOOC as well as hear what other were doing.…

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#etmooc An Ed-Tech for Me

Yesterday I listened to @jkunrein's Authoring Tools talk on the RelateCasts youtube channel. But that's not really what this post is about. Listening to the tools discussion got me to thinking about who uses the tools. Most of the tools she discussed are used to develop elearning.
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#etmooc An Ed-Tech for Me

Yesterday I listened to @jkunrein's Authoring Tools talk on the RelateCasts youtube channel. But that's not really what this post is about. Listening to the tools discussion got me to thinking about who uses the tools. Most of the tools she discussed are used to develop elearning.
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Joining #etmooc to Connect and Learn

I finally took the plunge and joined #etmooc! I have been watching the course grow and evolve online for a few years now but I had never actually jumped in and signed up. I was always worried that I didn’t have the time (still a bit worried about that) but after successfully completing my first MOOC in 2012, I feel like it’s time to give this a try.…

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Introduction to Me!

I did have full intents of making a video or some other interactive introduction however, with finals coming up, my time has been stretched thin and I am left with just text and picture. So, here it is! (You can also find this same info under the “About Me” tab.)…

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Wading through the MOOC

By the time I got online Tuesday night, the java app installed to allow access to ellu Blackboard collaborate, the slide in front of me looked like a wordle had become part of a this your brain on drugs commercial … and my brain was now on drugs. …

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