
At today’s visit is to Quintin Kynaston Academy, located just around the corner from Abbey Road Studios, it was wonderful to have students greeting and talking to us as we signed in at the school.  Students sharing their school and being proud of their learning environment is always an exciting way to see a school.  …

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When the sun shines through…..

In today’s school visit I had a chance to teach 24 eleven year olds from Niels Steensens.  It was a lovely experience and I had a chance to work with the students for around 90 minutes.  After looking at some images of Australia and thinking about the different perspectives the students had an opportunity to ask questions.  …

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Beyond the Digital Facelift

Haiku Deck PresentationThis week, week two of the Headless DS106 Bootcamp, one of our tasks was to listen a recording of a talk that Gardner Campbell gave at OpenEd 2009, entitled “No Digital Facelifts“. Although many great ideas percolated through this presentation, I decided to focus on one small portion – what we need to do to get beyond the digital facelift in education.  

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Ignoring Education Research & History

Whether it’s lack of awareness, deliberate avoidance, or ignorance on the matter, there is a mainstream disconnect between the societal notion of education and the expansive field of education research.   In education, innovators and disruptors consistently reinvent the wheel, hyping revolutionary ideas that are often unaware of existing research, replications of prior models, or proud of their ignorance of history of the field’s theory and pedagogy.…

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I just participated in my first EdCamp at #edcampsfbay this past Saturday, and I’m still feeling the adrenaline from it. The “unconference” was one of the single best experiences I’ve experienced of sitting in a room and having a conversation with other people who share interests and passions of mine.…

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Cool New Learning Management System Alert: My Big Campus

So I get an email from a member of the district’s IT department about a workshop at the educational technology conference a group of us will be attending together. We are wanting to move towards using My Big Campus as Learning Management System next year.…

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What I Want My ChildrenTo Know…

This summer as in every summer for the past thirty-four years I have come home to Nova Scotia.  As usual when I slow down I have time to reflect. This summer though I have a purpose to reflect because  I am in an open educators vlogging group called openspokes.…

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Csikszentmihalyi’s "Flow" and PD

Over the past couple months I’ve been reading a selection of nonfiction that has applications for education (cf. some reading notes). In just about every single book, including those by Cathy Davidson, Daniel Kahneman, Jane McGonigal, Daniel Pink, and now Steven Johnson’s Where Good Ideas Come FromMihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a psychologist famous for the study of happiness but underappreciated until relatively recently, and his idea of “flow” is cited, playing no small part in defence of the author’s thesis.…

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Mixed Messages

I have been reading about this initiative on the WISE website about lifting the public image of education in Chile.  They are working on changing the perception of education in the public and increasing the image. It has got me thinking about the messages we send out, often without thinking, which impact on the public image.…

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