Explore PLN (failure/success)

Technically I am a MOOC failure. One more data point for those who are tallying the high drop out rate for MOOCs in news stories across all media these days. A disappointment to Jeff Merrell and Kimberly Scott who facilitated Exploring Personal Learning Networks (#xplrPLN.)…

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Blog Reading Group Update

This month in the Post #etmooc Blog Reading Group we are exploring 21st Century Publishing, and the featured blog is Hybrid Pedagogy. There are discussions taking place in the Google+ community, and there have been a few live events.

I have been caught in the craziness of June and haven’t been able to participate in any of the live events yet, so I really am looking forward to participating in Hybrid Pedagogy’s 24 hour Moocathon this Saturday.…

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The Student Blogging Challenging has drawn to a close

I learned about the Student Blogging Challenge through Sue Waters who was the Blog Guru and Fairy Blog Mother for #etmooc. She has taught me, supported me as a blogger and answered my questions so when she put out the call for mentors I volunteered.…

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#etmchat archive: Curricular Transformation, May 1 2013

On May 1st I hosted an #etmchat about Curricular Transformation for the Post #etmooc Blog Reading Group. Here is an archive of the chat.

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My ETMooc Evaluation of Learning

For the last two months I have been fortunate to participate in ETMooc, an Educational Technology & Media, massive open online course. It is a cMooc, a connectivist Mooc, structured in a way that encouraged the development of a learning community.…

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Post ETMooc Blog Reading Group Launched

We’ve launched a Post #Etmooc Blog Reading Group as one way to continue develop our extended learning relationships. The idea is based on a post by George Couross.

Interested in reading? Commenting, communicating? Join us, join our Google+ Community.…

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Student Blogging Challenge

This year I am a mentor for the edublogs Student Blogging Challenge, it is the first time I have been involved, and I am looking forward to it, although I have a lot of posts to read. I have been assigned 29 students from the United States and Trinidad and Tobago; it is interesting how similar their interests are.…

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Verena Roberts Open Education Panel for Etmooc

Verena Roberts hosted an Open Education panel on Thursday that I watched live-stream with some of my co-workers. We missed the very beginning and end of the session, but it was still a great way to introduce them to the concept of open education and consider Google+ Hangouts could be used for webinars.…

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