Maha Bali just published a post Power that Remains When We Leave the Classroom that talks about the results of pulling the teacher and, thus, the teacher’s power from the classroom. She notes that this does not leave an absence of power and a group of equals.…
Tag Archives: ethics
Ethics for MOOCs: Power in Rhizo-MOOCs
Maha Bali just published a post Power that Remains When We Leave the Classroom that talks about the results of pulling the teacher and, thus, the teacher’s power from the classroom. She notes that this does not leave an absence of power and a group of equals.…
Ethics for MOOCs: Imagination
I want to finish my series about rhizo-ethics before Dave Cormier posts another #rhizo15 challenge. We’ll see.
Woermann and Cilliers’ discussion of complex ethics in their article The ethics of complexity and the complexity of ethics (2012) insists that ethics in complex spaces requires a self-critical rationality and that this rationality is supported by four principles: provisionality, …
Ethics for MOOCs: Imagination
I want to finish my series about rhizo-ethics before Dave Cormier posts another #rhizo15 challenge. We’ll see.Woermann and Cilliers’ discussion of complex ethics in their article The ethics of complexity and the complexity of ethics (2012) insists that ethics in complex spaces requires a self-critical rationality and that this rationality is supported by four principles: provisionality, …
Ethics for MOOCs: The Two, Four, Ten or so Commandments of #rhizo15
I’ve been doing a series of posts about ethics in complex spaces such as MOOCs, and I was planning to do this particular post near the end, but then #rhizo15 started, and I read some things that made me think that this was the correct time to speak.…
Ethics for MOOCs: The Two, Four, Ten or so Commandments of #rhizo15
I’ve been doing a series of posts about ethics in complex spaces such as MOOCs, and I was planning to do this particular post near the end, but then #rhizo15 started, and I read some things that made me think that this was the correct time to speak.…
Ethics for MOOCs: Irony
I’m still exploring Woermann and Ciller’s discussion of complex ethics in their article The ethics of complexity and the complexity of ethics (2012). I have found it to be such a rich line of thought, and now Rhizo15 is starting. Actually, I think this is a fine time to write this particular post.…
Ethics for MOOCs: Humble Transgressions
This post was extended by a Rhizo14 article and presentation, but that was fine as I learned some new stuff. But back to complexity ethics.
Transgressivity is the second of Woermann and Cilliers’ four mechanisms that reinforce and promote the critical attitude toward complex systems.…
Ethics for MOOCs: Provisional Boundaries
Woermann and Cilliers posit four mechanisms that reinforce and promote the critical attitude: provisionality, followed by transgressivity, irony, and imagination. To my mind, mechanism is an unfortunate term, as none of the four seem mechanical; rather, I would call them heuristics, having more to do with experimentation in contact with the real, as Deleuze and Guattari say it, than with a device…
Ethics for MOOCs: Provisional Imperatives
I think I should say something about what I mean by the term ethics, especially as distinguished from morals. In fact, I do not distinguish much between ethics and morals; rather, I follow what Bruce Weinstein says about the distinctions between the two: “[J]ust about everyone understands that both ethics and morality have to do with identifying right conduct and good character.…