kgitch on #etmooc week two


After a few days disconnected, (though keeping track of the “Bill of Rights” drama and reading #etmooc blogs), these are my reflections on this past week.

#etmooc Blackboard Cheers!

I am thrilled to see people learning to blog and use Twitter.  …

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Information Overload!

Last night, I participated in my first ever Twitter chat. My opinion: it was… be nice….different.

I found it really hard to follow what was going on and the general thoughts of the threads that were being posted and, as a result, did not post anything to the chat (but I did either retweet or favourite one comment….it…

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What is my Contribution?

Web Tools and 21st Century Learning in my Classroom from Fred Galang on Vimeo. Dean Shareski’s tweet below has prompted me to respond in an unusual way – to finish a video I shot last year! Call it a kick in the pants, but this question made me stand up and take notice.…

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What Will My Contribution Be?

Although I haven’t yet been able to watch the Sharing = Accountability #etmooc session by +Dean Shareski , his question about personal contributions (see tweet above) ricocheted through my Twitter feed, and many of the the conversations I had in tonight’s #etmchat focused on identifying a niche through which one can maximize the level and quality of their PLN contributions.…

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Swimming in a Sea of Tweets With #etmooc #etmchat

Not ten minutes ago, I disengaged my fully immersed brain from the sea of #etmchat postings. It was my first Twitter chat. Ever. My eyes are bugging out of my head. I have tweet overload. I tried to prepare, really … Continue reading

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Personal Learning Communities for Me

Last night I experienced my first successful blackboard collaborate session. I logged in half an hour early just to tinker around, I was a bit nervous… but once Alec prompted me (using my first name what a powerful tool) I felt that I could try some things out.…

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Spinning with POSSIBILITIES!

 Inspiration doesn't favor those who sit still

Flickr Creative Commons Photo Shared by Scott McLeod

One week in. Into WHAT, you ask? Why, #etmooc, of course! Officially, this amazing “connectivist” MOOC, (massive open online course), hasn’t even REALLY begun – it’s been an “orientation” week, of sorts.…

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Twitter #etmchat

Lots of ideas thrown out and discussed. Manic, crazy… and I loved every minute of it! It was a great turn-out.

It was interesting to see that some participants were having trouble with the pace, but were still willing to give it a try and offer their comments and opinions.…

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Role Reversal Part of the #ETMOOC Experience

Tonight as I sat down to enter my #ETMOOC chat, my daughter was making a great supper. As I began to open up my laptop, get my cell phone ready so that I could  to begin to find the hashtag to enter a twitterchat for #etmchat , here’s what my daughter said.…

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