Indie Microblogging

Indie Microblogging: owning your short-form writing by Manton Reece — Kickstarter

I backed this when it launched, two days in and it seems to have got almost double its target!

Interestingly I found this via a microcast which I found via a comment here by Henrik Carlsson who collected some other microcast links.…

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The Loudest Voices


A classroom, like any other social group will have popular pupils, the ones who get heard most by other pupils. I guess a teachers job is to encourage participation for all learners.

We have to think if software companies are the best people to curate our information.…

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Microcast 2: Webmention ping-pong


So microcast 2 comes hot on the heels of number one. A few interesting things came out of the first one. Most excitingly I got a webmention from Henrik Carlsson’s Blog. He had produced a microcast in response to mine.…

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An indie wave for @joedale


This is a microcast, it is microcast number 1 here.

There is a few thinks rattling around my head that I think link up.

They were prompted bya tweet from Joe Dale this morning. I was eating breakfast when Joe tweeted that anchor, the podcasting app had some new features.…

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Imagine a social network where everyone’s profile is their own website but they can share & discuss seamlessly & privately with each other.


Imagine a social network where everyone’s profile is their own website but they can share & discuss seamlessly & privately with each other.

Source: Imagine a social network where everyone’s profile is their own website but they can share & discuss seamlessly & privately with each other.

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