Microcast 5: Choices


Some thoughts about making choices about the software and systems you use, they may have hidden positives or negatives.

Featured image, iPhone screenshot, edited in snapseed

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    Microcast 3: Whose blog is it anyway?


    Last week I attended the morning of the Always on (them) event at the University of the West of Scotland. This was organised by Professor David McGillivary. It looked at Digital and Social Media use in Education.

    Last week I posted a brief summary of my talk and links to the audio I recorded for EDUtalk.…

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    Microcast 2: Webmention ping-pong


    So microcast 2 comes hot on the heels of number one. A few interesting things came out of the first one. Most excitingly I got a webmention from Henrik Carlsson’s Blog. He had produced a microcast in response to mine.…

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    An indie wave for @joedale


    This is a microcast, it is microcast number 1 here.

    There is a few thinks rattling around my head that I think link up.

    They were prompted bya tweet from Joe Dale this morning. I was eating breakfast when Joe tweeted that anchor, the podcasting app had some new features.…

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