Building Our Neighborhood Neighbourhood #midlev #etmooc


Welcome to our wiki!  We have members !  We have resources, including a Diigo group and Evernote Notebook.

We have ideas for prompts and projects on the page Possible Projects.

All because we, together, want to build a neighborhood for support and sustenance in this hectic education world.…

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Building Neighborhoods #etmooc #midleved : an invitation


We’re building a new neighborhood. Want to visit for a while?

As I learn more about PLNs through #etmooc, especially from @bhwilkoff, I realize I have a responsibility to help find and support the sub-committees that have a common focus.  …

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Expanding Hubs Vlog 2 #etmooc

Connected Educator

In the image above you see part of the “hubs” of my world, from local to global, personal to professional. If you click the image, it takes you to my Flickr image, complete with links. From each of these parts of my life, I learn and grow, share and collaborate, create and remix.…

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Connected In The Middle #etmooc #midleved


If I’m conversing with my global partner, my partner is my teacher.

After the conversation and chat in the webinar for  #etmooc, I needed to reflect on how connected learning looks at the middle school level. And, of course, Denise, in a comment on my blog expressed hesitant interest — hesitant only because we are both so swamped at school.…

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Expanding Universes #etmooc #midleved


Small Universe: My Hub

I’m still getting a handle on this #etmooc. And I think I’ve got it. If you are still unsure, just watch the video at The Clever Sheep by Rodd Lucier. He discusses the hub of our #etmooc.…

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