Social Networking in the Classroom: Talking to Students about Sexting


Responsibile digital citizenship is something that everyone should be addressing in schools. It is important to be proactive in our approaches, rather than simplying reacting to all situations. Josh provides a variety of suggestions for opening up discussions and learning opportunities.

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How long before we have an OVEE for communities of practice? [Christian]

From DSC:
How long before we have an OVEE for communities of practice?
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“Sharing Is Caring” – A story worth re-telling!

Although this tale has already been documented in my earlier posts, this powerful, inspirational story needs to be regularly shared with educators and their students.

Alan Levine (aka @cogdog) has challenged DS106 and ETMOOC participants to share “True Stories of Open Sharing … examples of times when there was an unexpected positive outcome after sharing something openly online.”…

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The challenges with connectivist learning

Hi everyone,



I thought I would investigate “connectivism” further in preparation for this week’s topic. I found this paper by Rita Kop. She provides a good description of connectivism (perhaps others can indicate if this is a good definition because I am not an expert). …

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ETMOOC – Who is Brian Metcalfe?

The Educational Technology and Media MOOC has invited all participants to introduce themselves by stating:

We would like you to introduce yourself to #etmooc. Declaring your identity, through letting us know a bit about who you are, will help participants better relate to and connect with you.

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Learning – Motivated by MOOC Madness

I believe in serendipitous learning. For those educators who are connected online, or consider themselves to be part of a professional learning network or  PLN, such learning opportunities present themselves with regular frequency. Readers who have followed my blog for the past year know how exited I was when Darren Kuropatwa sent me an email suggesting that I might like to participate in a free, “massive open online course” or MOCC called Digital Storytelling – DS106.…

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