Google Forms for Record Keeping and Formative Assessment

I should probably take my own advice more often. Today I’ll try.

Every time I use Google Forms, I wonder why I don’t use them more often. Ten years ago when I first tried reading workshop (inspired by Nancie Atwell‘s In the Middle) I had clipboards and several trees worth of paper charts to keep track of student reading.…

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Learning From Setbacks: Next Steps

My last post discussed how some of my standards based assessment plans went awry. The next post or two will document the adjustments I’m making in the new semester in order to improve the process. I’ll begin with communication.

The SBA grade book I created worked well for me, but it was difficult to share with students who only were able to see a PowerSchool summary of my much more detailed assessments.…

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Tracking 50 Passion Projects at Once

As my second full year of Genius Hour passion projects begins, I’m trying something new in order to better track each student’s progress. Last year I learned plenty from my students, including that I need a leaner, more agile tracking system in order to assess, encourage, and praise progress.…

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Ready for a Field Test

I’ve wished I knew how to use a spreadsheet for a couple years, but this summer I finally worked at it, in part because I was inspired by Alice Keeler, who is a spreadsheet wizard. If you’re looking for edtech know-how and inspiration, check out her blog, Teacher Tech, you won’t be disappointed.…

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Design Project Rationale

This design project has been designed for students studying Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) Level 3.  The syllabus consists of six units, which are based on acquiring the knowledge and practical skills required by employers. The ability to use spread-sheets is a fundamental work skill for accountants, and the AAT have included the new unit ‘Using Spreadsheet Software’ at the request of employers who need employees to be IT literate.…

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Design Project

This design project was produced for the ‘Understanding elearning’ unit of  MSc Multimedia and elearning. It consists of a series of video tutorials for using spreadsheets.  They were created using Camtasia Studio software, and follow principles for instructional design.   This will be discussed in the design project rationale, to follow.…

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