Digital Identities: Where does your digital self begin and end?

Tonight I watched Bonnie Stewart’s #etmooc session on Digital Identities; it was her last slide that got me.


When I came to #etmooc (as it does feel like a place for me), it was a stepping away, to create a new space for me, the personal me.…

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The Digital Iceberg.

Last week as I listened to Harold Rheingold‘s #etmooc session: Literacies of Attention, Crap Detection, Participation, Collaboration and Network Know-How, I began to think about how frequently in education we devote 90% of our energies to 10% of an issue.…

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Can storytelling and content courses play nice?

In a society characterized by uncertainty and rapid change, the ability to think creatively is becoming the key to success and satisfaction, both professionally and personally. For today’s children, nothing is more important than learning to think creatively – learning to come up with innovative solutions to the unexpected situations that will continually arise in their lives.

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Is developing voice a prerequisite for connected learning?

Every time you take the risk to be true to your own soul – whether or not you name your action as heroic – your example helps others to do likewise. When you notice this pattern, it becomes easier to have absolute fidelity to your own path without fear that doing so is selfish.

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Remix of the remix: More on open networks.

I watched RiP: A Remix Manifesto  this week (recommended by Verena Roberts), an open source documentary. At 1:27:21 this film is is a time commitment. I was trying to get into the deep end with this open network topic quickly (I am there now!).…

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#etmooc Session 1 – Idea Burrs

There were many “idea burrs” (ideas that stick) from this afternoon’s first intro #etmooc session. I decided I would drill down into one topic and try to get some traction. The topic that pulled me in was the fourth one, Open Movement, of the 5 (Connected Learning, Digital Storytelling, Digital Literacy, and Digital Citizenship) thatwe will be exploring further in #etmooc.…

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MOOC: Say what? Let the #etmooc adventure begin.

I signed up for a MOOC last year, at the time I had no idea what it was, I just knew I was curious and intrigued.

This time around I have a better sense what I am diving in to and am brimming with delicious excitement wrapped in nervous anticipation (Can I keep up?…

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