Hosting a Webinar and Stem PBL

On Wednesday February 27th I took part in a webinar from the Buck Institute about STEM PBL. The Buck Institute provides great training and resources for learning about and implementing project-based learning (PBL) in your classroom. I have taken part in two hands-on PBL training sessions about Project Based Learning with the Buck Institute (PBL 101 and PBL 201) in Red Deer and participated in a few of their webinars.…

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Etmooc Musings

For the past two weeks we have been exploring Digital Literacies in etmooc. Other than the forced disconnection for my Teacher’s Convention last week; I have been really busy connecting, tweeting and learning on-line. I have several posts started about my notes and thoughts about sessions that I have participated in or research that I am doing, and at least twenty tabs open on my browser than I need to explore.…

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Notes from Teacher’s Convention: Engaging your Brain for Learning

I just got back from the 2013 Palliser District Teacher’s Convention in Calgary. I work for Alberta Education in Edmonton, but I am seconded there so I still have to attend my school district’s annual Teacher’s Convention in Calgary.

It was a great visit to Calgary.…

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Dear PNL, I’m going off-line to “learn”

Tomorrow afternoon I will be heading to Calgary for our annual Teacher’s Convention. This is a required professional development event, and I am looking forward to connecting with my friends and possibly even a few interesting sessions.

I am not looking forward to the “learning” environment.…

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The Silver Skate Festival, Edmonton’s Oldest Winter Fest

We just got home from the Silver Skate Festival, celebrating it’s twenty-third year, it is Edmonton’s oldest winter festival. In a bit of a Freudian slip, I initially typed Edmonton’s coldest festival (my hands are still a little chilly) the temperature wasn’t that cold, but the wind was very cold!

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Blogging Resources and Best Practices

I have been blogging for about three years, but it has only been since I joined etmooc that I have blogged with any frequency. Last year I mostly blogged to share information and resources from professional development sessions and to share my photos.…

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My Journey with New Media Art and Digital Storytelling

Topic #2 for etmooc is Digital Storytelling. In addition to creating digital stories, we were challenged to critically examine the definition of digital storytelling on Wikipedia. While I think the Wikipedia definition gets at some of the aspects and history of digital storytelling, some of my experiences with digital storytelling are missing.…

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Digital Storytelling Pop-Up Video

I participated in an etmooc session about Digital Sotrytelling for K-12 hosted by Darren Kuropatwa yesterday. You can watch the archived session here, view Darren’s Slides and check out the session resources here.

During the session Darren had participants record 5 seconds of video and share it with him.…

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My #etmooc Learning Experiences Jan. 21 – Feb 1 Expanded

I initially posted this image on January 30th, drawing it (off-line) gave me an opportunity to think about the experiences so far in #etmooc.

My ET MOOC Learning Experiences Jan. 21 - Feb. 1

My ET MOOC Learning Experiences Jan. 21 – Feb. 1

I did need to spend some time away from my computer to reflect, but once I had finished the mind map, I wanted to add hyperlinks.…

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