syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Who Belongs to Rhizo14?

I have been edging up to this post for the past few weeks, but a Rhizo14 Facebook discussion today (Saturday, 2014 April 12, -5:00 GMT) and a comment to my last post by Frances Bell have pushed me into it. The Facebook discussion was kicked off by Sarah Honeychurch asking, “How do we feel about others who were not part of rhizo14 using our autoeth?…

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Building a LibraryBox V2.0

TP-Link Portable RouterLast year, as part of a study leave, I built a LibraryBox using the instructions on Jason Griffey’s LibraryBox website.  I thought that I’d use it at the Ontario Library Association conference (which has very limited free WiFi) to allow attendees to download the slides for a presentation that I was making at the conference. …

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Building a LibraryBox V2.0

TP-Link Portable RouterLast year, as part of a study leave, I built a LibraryBox using the instructions on Jason Griffey’s LibraryBox website.  I thought that I’d use it at the Ontario Library Association conference (which has very limited free WiFi) to allow attendees to download the slides for a presentation that I was making at the conference. …

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New Resources

A week ago I had the opportunity to travel over 2100km to attend two fantastic education conferences back to back in Ontario. It was exhausting but exhilarating at the same time!

The On the Rise K-12 (#OTRK12) was an opportunity for me to not only meet by #eLC #PLN face to face but it provided the opportunity to  continue to learn more about the virtual learning environment (vLE) and the tools that enhance it and the direction and implementation of blended learning in different boards across Ontario.…

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RhizoRhetoric and Legibility

In a recent comment to this blog, Maha Bali linked me to Venkatesh Rao’s post A Big Little Idea Called Legibility on his ribbonfarm blog, in which Venkat (Rao’s blog name) discusses legibility, an idea developed in James C. Stewart’s book Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed.…

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The Struggle to Define Our Jargon – Excerpts from MOOC Research

Note: I will use this space over the next month to share excerpts from my dissertation The Evolution & Impact of the Massive Open Online Course. The research was a Delphi study bringing together 20 MOOC experts to discuss the MOOC in educational, political, and sociocultural terms (slides from the oral presentation can be seen here).

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Technology Integration, ELA Common Core, and UDL (Universal Design For Learning)

Common Core state standards clearly outline the knowledge and skills students need to be Career and College Ready as readers, writers, researchers, presenters, and thinkers. The challenge for teachers and administrators is how to support all students to meet the level of rigor and depth of knowledge outlined in the Common Core standards.…

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What I’m Learning: Empowering Lifelong Learners through Micro-Credentials

I really like the context here for why badges and micro-credentials matter for all of us. 

Micro-Credentials: Empowering Lifelong Learners | Edutopia

My father is a former police officer who took up photography when he retired. A few months ago, I asked him when he was going to try a new hobby.

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs