syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Shocker (or not): Chemistry teacher doesn’t test Periodic Table.

I found this podcast episode about a chemistry teacher who doesn’t test on the periodic table because you can google the answers to be extremely compelling. 

Marc teaches chemistry. He is also extremely critical of himself and his practice. With nearly every lesson, he wonders what he could have done better.

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Thanks Natasa. Happy to hear that my own enthusias…

Thanks Natasa. Happy to hear that my own enthusiasm for the topic of Open Badges has become "infectious" (hopefully in a good way). As a follow up, I'm currently authoring what I hope will be a useful "how to get started with badges" via this Google doc…

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Dangerous Grounds

LaColombeThere are several entrepreneurs who I would claim as my favorite, but my flavor of the week is none other than Todd Carmichael. He is the founder and CEO of La Colombe Torrefaction. For me, coffee was an acquired taste that slowly evolved into a requirement three years ago after having my first baby.…

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How do you seed adoption of Enterprise 2.0/social business? #msloc430 Twitter Chat Feb. 27 8 pm CT

Coffee pie HiveThe course I am teaching this quarter (and next) for the Masters Program in Learning and Organizational Change at Northwestern University uses Enterprise 2.0/social business as a way to understand the role that technology plays in sharing and creating knowledge within organizations.…

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The missing app on a chromebook is finally here: Screencasting

Screencasting on a chromebook has been the elusive white whale, but I no longer have to wait to create videos from my chromebook screen or do some elaborate workaround with Hangouts on air. Happy Screencasting!

Screencastify is a simple video screen capture software for Chrome.

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Space, Possibility, and #rhizo14

In her post Questions about rhizomatic learning, Jenny Mackness notes that I “have written that ‘the space holds all the possibilities’, which has made [her] wonder what possibilities the structure holds.” This play with the tensions between open and structured spaces is a conversation I picked up from Michel Serres’ book Genesis, his meditations about how form, or structure, emerges from chaos, …

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Retention: Encouraging, Empowering, and Connecting Students

At Academic Partnerships, one of our main foci is student retention. What does this mean exactly? Jason Elliott, Director of Student Services states,

“Retention programs that work in the online environment are those where an emotional attachment is created between the students and their university.

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The Magic of Feedback


I believe in magic.  I believe in the power of positive thinking, positive words, and positive feedback.   As a high school English teacher, this has served me well to build long-term relationships with my kids.  Maintaining positive interactions with my kids has been a truism of my days, in this way the cycle of validation and feedback for who they are – as I see them to be – must be present in my communications with them, always.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs