syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Oral vs Written

I have finally watched the week four video. One last thought before I move to week five on the idea of “Is books making us stupid?” I write for many reasons. To keep records, to list what needs to be done for the day, to communicate with others, to work out my thoughts, for the sheer joy of a cleverly turned phrase.…

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Books is Making Me Stupid

Confession time: I still haven’t watched the video for topic #4. Instead I made a video on, you guessed it, “Books is Making Me Stupid.” The title seemed appropriate.

Since the question/statement has been rattling around in my brain all week I started to write some thoughts down (walking the dog is my time for clarifying thoughts!)…

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Following Bad News in Media with "Rest of Story"

If you read the Chicago Tribune on February 7, 2014 you might have seen this story. Note where it says “there have been at least 11 other shootings withing four blocks since June 2011”. Have you seen any marches, or editorials, or visits by the Mayor mobilizing resources to change the conditions that cause these acts of violence?…

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Learning by Doing – #Gamifi-ED Project OOC !

The project can only be compared Sochi 2014 Olympics Fireworks ……

So – what kind of project is blowing my mind, challenging my assumptions, promoting collaboration, emphasizing trust, developing confidence, initiating creativity, developing new skills, promoting competencies, evaluating standards, developing interdisciplinary (and multi-aged) models, making me think outside the box and ask what am I getting myself into????…

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Jenny, Rhizomatic Learners, and #rhizo14

I’ve been conversing with Jenny Mackness for a few years now and have always found our conversations instructive and enjoyable, but never more so than now. As part of our engagement with Rhizo14, she wrote a post (Questions about rhizomatic learning) asking me a few questions about rhizomatic learning and thought.…

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The prompt this last week in Dave Cormier’s P2PU #rhizo14 ‘course’ was to consider the question “Is books making us stupid?”. This video is my response. And here is the Google + conversation which ensued.

Mariana Funes
Feb 5, 2014
oh, Janet.
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I am uncomfortable….

with this week’s topic! “Is books making us stupid?” Now I haven’t even watched Dave’s video and I haven’t read anyone’s post because in my mind I am thinking “Uh, no?!” and “Fix the grammar!” So I know Dave is being deliberately provocative to try and make me challenge some long held assumptions about literacy and reading, books and the idea of fixed knowledge.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs