syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Datenglish 2014-01-26 21:42:00

Mentoring & Coaching
When you are a mentor, your relationship with the individual you’re supporting is more complex than it is when you’re a coach; this last role is more task or skill-oriented. 
The mentoring relationship can be for a short term, like when a mentee faces a challenge or a dilemma that can be efficiently discussed and sorted out.
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Bloggers get writer’s block too

I recently started another online course about how to teach online. This act usually is followed by more blog posts, as I try to make sense of my learning, but so far this hasn’t happened.   The first week stimulated the usual flurry of enthusiasm and creative thought. …

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mxHero Toolbox: Self-desctructing email and click tracking

I’m intrigued by this idea that we could be making email into a “Snapchat” or figuring out how to track who is really communicating and collaborating through email. Pretty interesting stuff.

Chrome Web Store – mxHero Toolbox

Supercharge your gmail with mxHero Toolbox!

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The Web 2.0 Dead Pool

Always interesting to see all of the platforms in the Web 2.0 dead pool.

Did you know Yahoo had a podcasting service once upon a time?

The Deathwatch is meant to be a central indicator of websites and networks that are shutting down, or to serve as an indicator of what happened to particular sites that shut down quickly.

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#msloc430 class bloggers: Exploring networks, communities and knowledge

Coffee pie HiveThis is Blog Post Zero of what I hope will become at least a 6-month, interconnected digital conversation. You can help by contributing to exploration of the questions at the end of this post.

#msloc430 Class and Community

Between January and June of each year I teach MSLOC 430 – Creating and Sharing Knowledge, a course in which we explore technology and people and knowledge.…

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Encouraging Autonomy in "#rhizo14

I’ve guests today, so this post will, out of courtesy to them, be too long, not having the time to make it shorter.

Dave Cormier has challenged the Rhizo14 MOOC to think about how to enforce independence in learners, and I have followed the lead of Frances Bell, Jenny Mackness, and others to amend Dave’s terminology to something like encouraging autonomy.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs