syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Complexity and Agency in Education

Agency is the third principle of complexity that both Taborga and Lawrimore discuss. To my mind, agency is a complementary concept of feedback, or organizational recursion, that I explored in my last post. What is the use of a feedback loop if an agent has no choice in response to the feedback?…

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What happens if we don’t…?

The Value Function

I’ve been reading about cognitive psychology and design thinking with great interest lately, and some ideas have been swirling around in my head. In particular, I (finally!) finished Daniel Kahneman’s fantastic book Thinking, Fast and Slow on Prospect Theory (reading notes here) and the decision-making processes that are at work in our minds (cf.…

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Hi Natasa – I've put your "THIS" gra…

Hi Natasa – I've put your "THIS" graphic as the last image of a video I made of one of the ModPo assignments (I'm obsessed with mesostics)

I don't think ModPo is ever over – class officially ended weeks ago, but we're still at it… 😉


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Cory Doctorow FTR – International Postage

Twelve headshots of Cory Doctorow made to look like postage stamps

Remix of a photo by Jonathan Worth

This assignment was to take an image of Cory Doctorow from a collection of images created by Jonathan Worth and remix it.  My idea was to take the image of multiple small head shots of Doctorow and make them into postage stamps.  …

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Cory Doctorow FTR – International Postage

Twelve headshots of Cory Doctorow made to look like postage stamps

Remix of a photo by Jonathan Worth

This assignment was to take an image of Cory Doctorow from a collection of images created by Jonathan Worth and remix it.  My idea was to take the image of multiple small head shots of Doctorow and make them into postage stamps.  …

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#anticorruzionePA – Un Mooc tempestivo

Sono approdata a Mooc Trasparenza e anticorruzione grazie a una segnalazione raccolta su Facebook.

Dal penultimo messaggio del coordinamento didattico Mooc vengo a conoscenza del numero degli iscritti

Siete in tanti, tantissimi più di 1400! Una adesione importante e un segnale che la tematica riscuote un forte interesse.

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs