syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Post Lesson/Unit Reflection Communication

Notes from Communication Lesson/Unit Plan

  1. Team building activity
  2. Webquest
  3. Webquest individual, peer and group evaluations
  4. Animoto commercial – Malaysian
  5. Animoto commerical – American
  6. Animoto commercial – Peer evaluations
  7. YouTube video Product placement
  8. Michelle Obama speech
  9. Michelle Obama speech graphic organizer
  10. Michelle Obama speech quiz via Schoology
  11. Textbook packet – chapter 8.1
  12. Textbook packet – chapter 8.2
  13. Textbook – chapter outlines with vocabulary
  14. The Frayer Model – vocabulary

Reflection piece
Next opportunity to execute lesson:

  1. Team building activity – took place in the boardroom.
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Post Lesson/Unit Reflection Channels of Distribution

Notes from Channels of Distribution Unit Plan

  1. Graphic organizer – used to visually compare Consumer and Industrial channels
  2. Distribution activity– demonstrated how products are shipped through interstate, over bridges, through mountains and across the ocean. Team activity was conducted in the boardroom as well as outside.
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Ditch the plan. Hey, can’t you hear the fire fighters?

Over a year ago, more precisely on March 9, 2012, we were having this class with my student. We were beginning to deal with Storytelling. So, I surfed the net and found an interesting activity, very guided and inspiring to do at this starting point.…

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#ALN13 Presentation – MOOC Cartography (A Literature Review)

I presented my dissertation literature review at the Sloan International Conference for Online Learning on Wednesday at 12:45pm at the Swan & Dolphin Resort at Walt Disney World.  Several technological glitches threw me off-point, and the topic was expansive by design (perhaps too much), but attendees were positive and responsive to the presentation.…

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Faculty eCommons’ Session at Sloan-C’s International Conference on Online Learning: A Success!

Drs. Kaulbach and Farmakis at 19th Annual Sloan-C ConferenceDr. Melissa Kaulbach, Vice President, Academic Services and Dr. Heather Farmakis, Director, Academic Services presented “A Galaxy of Professional Development” today at The 19th Annual Sloan Consortium International Conference on Online Learning – and it was a success!


Drs. Farmakis and Kaulbach with one of our esteemed partner faculty members – Dr.

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The PLN Pitch


The PLN Pitch

A personal learning network for higher education

*Here is my own final learning artifact for Northwestern University’s Seminar Exploring Personal Learning Networks

*And my collaborative final learning artifact for Northwestern University’s Seminar Exploring Personal Learning Networks

*Useful information here: Exploring PLNs Collaboration Tools

At the end of the the five week online seminar, we were given a case to consider….…

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VoiceThread Mobile: Multisensory Learning on the Go

voicethread-mobileIn the interactive webinar below, academic services director Michelle Pacansky-Brock shares how you can use VoiceThread Mobile to create engaging anytime-anywhere learning environments with voice and video participation. Through real-life examples, stories, and demos, Pacansky-Brock demonstrates how VoiceThread increases community, connectedness, and trust among students and their instructor.

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“Cognition” is another word for “thinking”. Metacognition, then, is thinking about your own thinking. Cynthia Brame at Vanderbilt’s Center for Teaching has this terrific quote by John Flavell in her post, Thinking About Metacognition:

I am engaging in metacognition if I notice that I am having more trouble learning A than B.  

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs