syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Starting to Learn Google App Scripting

I will write a follow up post to this, but I have recently started to actually write some scripts (or modify others’ scripts) for use in specific contexts in Denver Public Schools, and so I wanted to share one of the best introductions to Google Apps Script that I have seen, complete with a demo script to try out.…

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Common Core Google Site Templates

While there may be significant push back on elements of the Common Core, the ability to demonstrate learning in unique and powerful ways probably isn’t one of them. It is in that vein that I would like to curate two Common Core-aligned Math portfolio sites for student use:

Please let me know if you have found any others.…

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Weeks 2 and 3 – Video Games and Learning

Weeks 2 and 3 of the course are now finished. They centred on the deeper subculture that surrounds games, understanding games as structuring identity, and game design. Its all still theoretical but its good to know the lingo if I’m ever talking about it with a gamer/researcher.…

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How we started creating our own textbooks

A new project is about to be born

“I teach to try and organise people’s learning journey … to create a context for them to learn in” – Dave Cormier
As we don’t follow a textbook in class, I started to think that my students could create their own e-textbooks.
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First week of the GamesMOOC

This video is the introduction to the GamesMOOC for fall of 2013. Traditionally, the MOOC has been a great place to connect with and collaborate with like-minded professionals around the topic of game-based learning! This fall, the MOOC is focused (as focused as a MOOC can be, anyway) on the topics of Maker, Hacker and Gamer culture.…

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Our school’s Cancer Awareness Fundraiser Event in pictures!

Our school’s cancer awareness fundraiser was a positive and moving experience because it involved teachers and students working together in FUN for a good CAUSE. Purpose, people!

The orchestrator!!
Ms. Lloyd!

The orchestrator was this lady right here, Ms. Lloyd!

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Weaving the Web

Week 9 was a week for listening to the Headless DS106 Radio shows and for experimenting with hacking the web.

Radio Show Critiques

Finally I have listened to all of the Headless DS106 Radio Shows.  I am amazed that they are all so different in format, genre and theme and all so accomplished.  …

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs