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Social Media Course Gives Working Adults a Competitive Edge

Faculty eCommons

Some instructors remain skeptical of social media in education; others embrace social media as a source of course materials, a connection to field experts, and a platform for class communication.
But another instructor is taking social ……

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Access Open Educational Resources at CosmoLearning

Faculty eCommons

Finding free resources for your course can be tough, especially if you’re unsure where to look. Even if you do have sources in mind, you may have difficulty finding the right content—many of these sites ……

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Change and the Giving up the Ego

Someone recently mentioned to me that “change requires giving something up.” At the time, I wasn’t sure how much I believed it, but after thinking about it for a week, I do now. Depending on what kind of change is being proposed, there’s a variety of answers to the question of what should be given up; but in more cases than not in education, based on what the conversations I’ve had, it’s the ego that’s at the center of this discussion.…

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Digital Tools to Design Art Museum Activities

moma teen | MoMA | Voluntaries Service: MoMA Teens + Dean Moss

Sometimes for logistical or financial reasons, students are unable to visit art museums. Today’s interactive technology, like Google Art and other sites like it, enables students to take an up, close and personal tourobserving every brushstroke of Van Gogh’s Starry Night without ever leaving the classroom.

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Elevation Change

Holy moly…all I can say is that SOMEONE is going to have to hit the ground running. #whoa

— Amy Collier (@amcollier) August 1, 2013

Corrected tweet: Holy moly…all I can say is that @ajsalts is going to have to hit the ground running.…

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Start flexing your Photo Muscle in the classroom with Flickr and its built-in photo editor Aviary

In the classroom I use my iPhone to document learning. Both photos and videos. That same day, all the pictures are in Flickr waiting for me to edit and make ‘stories’ out of. (I use IFTTT to automatically upload all my iPhone photos to Flickr and Here’s how.) 
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Optimizing Library Resources for Online Students at Purdue University Calumet

Faculty eCommons

Do your online students know how to engage with your institution’s library resources?
Bridging the gap between online students and an on-campus library is challenging for a number of reasons (perceived or real): lack of ……

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The Rigors of Complexity

I read with some interest Arnold Dodge’s recent Huffington Post called It’s the Complexity, Stupid, though I wasn’t so happy with the epithet. It’s eye-catching, but I think it distracts us from complexity and reifies the very group of people he should be embracing.…

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Ignoring Education Research & History

Whether it’s lack of awareness, deliberate avoidance, or ignorance on the matter, there is a mainstream disconnect between the societal notion of education and the expansive field of education research.   In education, innovators and disruptors consistently reinvent the wheel, hyping revolutionary ideas that are often unaware of existing research, replications of prior models, or proud of their ignorance of history of the field’s theory and pedagogy.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs