syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Assessing Complex Systems and Sonnet 73

As my own views about education continue to emerge, I understand them best within the context of the conversation about complexity—complexity as a large, transdisciplinary conversation that has been emerging for centuries, but that was made unavoidable by the emergence of relativity and quantum physics at the beginning of the 20th century.…

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Are your class a bunch of wallies?

tweet wally

Tweetwally’s that is. Tweet Wally is a free Twitter wall that filters tweets via #hastags, usernames or key words.The tool could be used for a variety of in-class activities including as a starter by posing a question at the start of class and asking students to tweet their replies.…

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The Cure for “Ozymandias Melancholia”: MoMa’s Art and Inquiry MOOC

In my most recent dabbling in the world of MOOCs, Art and Inquiry: Museum Strategies for Your Classroom, a five week Coursera MOOC taught by MoMA, we are being asked to think about why we should engage in inquiry around art.

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9 Strategies for Promoting Student Retention

Faculty eCommons

Have you designed your online course to promote student retention?
Factors contributing to attrition rates originate from a variety of sources, many that are beyond your control. However, as an instructor and course designer, you do ……

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Openess and the Oddessey of Knowledge

Openness means quite a number of things to me.

Cortesy Flick User Drmama

Cortesy Flick User Drmama

It means openness to, and availabilitiy for dissent, argument, proof and disproof.

It means open dissemination.

It means freely adaptable.

It means accessible to, and changeable by, influence.…

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Pallotta TED talk. Discussion. Solutions.

In 2011 when I first read Dan Pallotta’s book, Uncharitable, I created a concept map to outline the chapters. After his TED talk in spring 2013 I updated it with links to places on the Internet where this is being discussed.…

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Introduction Video: Why Your Online Course Needs One

Faculty eCommons

If you’re unsure how to excite new students about your online course, here’s a simple solution to spark learners’ intrigue: create an engaging introduction video that makes students want to learn more.
Course introductions are one ……

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Free Course: Integrating Web 2.0 Tools from Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy

Faculty eCommons

Developed by the academic services team at Academic Partnerships, Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy is a self-paced course that shows you how to strategically integrate Web 2.0 tools in your online course using the reliable framework of ……

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs