syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

What Is Really Important In Life

Shouldn’t we teach all students as if they were Zach? In #openspokes we have been discussing what is important to teach our young people. I believe Zach’s message of hope is one all teachers as well as students can learn from.…

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A map of influence of #etmooc

I’m marginally participating, here and there, in #clmooc: Making Learning Connected MOOC. I would participate more, but for the past few weeks I’ve been: (1) finishing up ds106 (and yes, I know it’s never really finished! Most of my ds106 projects are posted on a tumblr, here), (2) moving out of my apartment in Melbourne, Australia where I’ve lived for a year on sabbatical, (3) travelling, (4) making the journey home to Vancouver (I’m still on #4 right now, waiting in an airport with a delayed flight).

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Maps! I have a lot of maps in my car, stuck into the pockets of the door. Maps of states and provinces, maps of attractions, museums, historic sites, maps of army bases. Some of the maps are in map books, some on the large sheets of paper that you try to fold back into the proper shape after using but never quite succeed.…

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Faculty Satisfaction with Teaching Online Courses

Faculty eCommons

The demand for online courses has increased dramatically–so has the number of faculty teaching online. Online pedagogy has evolved over a short period of time, creating challenges with changing delivery methods, training, support, and course ……

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If you want them to think like experts…

[Cross-posted from the UCSD Center for Teaching Development]

I spend a lot of time thinking about how and why peer instruction works and helping instructors improve their technique. The other day, I had an experience that crystallized for me the difference between peer instruction and students merely clicking their clickers.…

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Mobile Warm-up: Bloom Style

I’m having a hard time NOT thinking about the 2013-14 school year.  I think its this class I’m finishing up on Information Literacy (IL) that has me thinking about how to incorporate more researching into my lessons, which naturally, will create a more student centered environment.…

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Information Literacy: The Endless Search for Research

I must tell you something you don’t want to hear.  Wikipedia is not a gift from Satan. It has its purpose in the universe and should be given a certain level of respect.  Now that I’ve said that, let me explain.…

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AcaWiki: Free Summaries of Peer-Reviewed Articles

Faculty eCommons

Help Grow AcaWiki!
AcaWiki is support by a small group of volunteers, and they need our help! In efforts to reignite activity on the site, contribute your own summaries and encourage students, too. Share AcaWiki with ……

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Why I’m bothered by ‘solving real-world problems with MOOCs’

I read A New Use for MOOCs: Real-World Problem Solving with interest on many levels: pedagogy, innovative partnerships, leveraging massive groups of people in novel ways.

There is a lot to be said for the work being done by Zafrin Nurmohamed and Nabeel Gillani and their organization, Coursolve.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs