syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Archived Webinars – PD On Your Time Table

As someone who leads professional development workshops and classes, I know first hand how hard it is to coordinate a place and a time that meets everyone’s schedules. I don’t usually like to admit defeat, but it seems to be IMPOSSIBLE these days.…

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Relecting on #teachtheweb Week 1: Making as Learning

Last week we launched #teachtheweb, a Mozilla Open Online Collaboration (MOOC – more commonly “Massive Open Online Course”). The first week was all about Making as Learning, and today, I’m going to write a reflection. Not an update about Webmaker stuff, not a plug for the MOOC (which is awesome, and you should totally join it), but a reflection on the idea Making as Learning and whether or not that’s always true.…

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Emotions are Contagious


Emotional Contagiousness: + Social Collective Emotion creates the positive energy found in THE WAVE, FLASH MOBS or even LIP DUBES

With the trend in schools towards text messaging, e-mails home and blogs there is still a need for a little face to face interaction in order to solidify the relationship between team members.…

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Making as Learning – Week 1 of Teach the Web

WebMaker IntroductionThis week I hacked my own Flickr page with X-Ray Goggles and created a WebMaker profile with Thimble (although I have to admit the Thimble Create an Animal project was tempting).

Did I learn?  Yes, but perhaps I would have learned more doing the Popcorn intro as I already knew some HTML and CSS.  …

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How to create an animated picture

Click on the picture to go to the source website

A colleague recently asked me how I created animated pictures as she wanted to create her own as fun way of relaying instructions to students via her Moodle page. If your interested in creating your own gif but don’t know where to start this link takes you to a tutorial for Photoshop users whilst this link will take you to a tutorial for the free photo editing software GIMP.…

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My First Glance at the Common Core



As an educational technology coordinator for a high school district, having an awareness of how instruction is delivered and student learning is assessed and made visible is important.  I enjoy reading about and watching videos/webinars on current pedagogical thinking and instructional methodology.…

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Reflecting on Delivering Happiness

I received a copy of Tony Hsieh’s Delivering Happiness: A Pathway to Profits, Passion, and Purpose. The person who gave it to me was spot on with the fact that I would find strong connections to the passion and the core values expressed by Tony.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs