syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Free Mosquito Bednets: Good or Bad?

etMOOC may have finished but it can score a success in having motivated me to continue testing various digital tools. Below are two Voki characters that give different view points on whether it is a good idea to give free bednets to keep malaria carrying mosquitoes away.…

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spanishgates 2013-04-07 01:03:58

Latin musician project:

After having reviewed, studied and learned about Spanish speaking musicians, the student were given the opportunity to create a project after researching their favorite Spanish speaking musician.
Beforehand the students were to research the biography of an artist/ band.…

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Staying the Course: Connections, Reciprocity, and the Web

Trying to sum up my experience in #ETMOOC is an impossible task. How does one begin to put into words that which is felt by the heart? Furthermore, how can a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) bring about such a feeling?…

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When Mastery Meets Passion and Curiosity

​You learn to code by doing.  Just another example of building a skill.

Competency based education has been going on for years; just not in the disciplines that the majority of us deem “practical”.  Art and design students do not sit around and read theory, they are tasked with creating portfolios of their work.…

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Commit Committing

Open Source, the great commons of our time. Vast swathes of code liberate from Duke Microsoft and Emperor Oracle. Finally we can walk over the grass and feel it between our toes and…. erm….…

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#ETMOOC Considerazioni finali

#ETMOOC 2013 è arrivato a destinazione, è giunto il momento di fare un bilancio dell’esperienza complessiva valutando gli apprendimenti e riflettendo su quanto è stato particolarmente significativo.

La prima considerazione riguarda l’atteggiamento che ho avuto nei confronti di questo mooc. Rispetto ai precedenti ritengo di aver agito con maggiore indipendenza avendo convogliato l’attenzione principalmente verso quegli stimoli e quelle proposte che più mi hanno coinvolto, avendo permesso il perseguimento degli obiettivi inizialmente individuati e, al contempo, e  le opportunità  di un apprendimento generato dalle immancabili sorprese che un cMooc solitamente riserva.…

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ocTEL introductory post and big question

Gemma Holtam0.0 Introduce yourself

Task: post a short summary about yourself and your experiences with technology enhanced learning.

My name is Gemma Holtam. I work as a Tutorial Learning Mentor (TLM) and Advanced Practitioner in Information Learning Technology (ILT) at Barnsley College.…

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PLN: Work In Progress

As I mentioned a few days ago, I wanted to wait to post my title and abstract so that I could solicit a few definitions from strangers and colleagues about their Personal Learning Network. I’ve spent the week collecting research, writing notes, and getting my plan together.

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Socks, Complexity, and the Included Middle in MOOCs

In Chapter 5 of his book Manifesto of Transdisciplinary, Nicolescu says that the logic of the excluded middle applies mostly to simple situations while the logic of the included middle applies to complexity and complex situations. I think that Nicolescu’s observation has implications for the Cynefin framework and for MOOCs.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs