syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

The Music of My Pen

The experience of participating in etmooc – Educational Technology Media Open Online Course – since January was awesome in developing my literacy with the digital and media opportunities that abound for education.  Thus I felt confident that I could pursue my learning goals without the constrictions of traditional learning models. 

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Open Access and Open Educational Resources (OER)

So what is this open access all about?

Open Access is the principle that research should be accessible online, for free, immediately after publication.      

The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC), an international alliance of academic and research libraries, has some great papers, guides and resources on open access.

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Got a Minute? Connected Learning

In a follow up comment to my blog post, Open Movement, didn’t know it“, I replied to Christina Hendricks comment. “Thank you Christina, “Thanks for your comments. You keep me writing. It’s wierd, it only takes one comment and I’m inspired.”

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Pasi and the Finns

I have had an interest, nay – an obsession about Finnish education since watching this video on TeacherTV about 5 years ago…


 I have read a few articles and watched just as many lectures, news programs and documentaries, yet what I really wanted was a resource that brought all these ideas together… thats when Pasi Sahlberg’s book Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland?

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Defining “Rapid”

I missed this New York Times op-ed a few months back from John Markoff, who writes about computers and technology.  It’s your standard MOOC media narrative — great change afoot, the potential to fix the education crisis, and so forth.  One part stuck out, though:

Udacity, along with other MOOC designers, is moving rapidly away from the video lecture model of teaching toward an approach that is highly interactive and based on frequent quizzes and human “mentors” to provide active online support for students.

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What Did I Learn in School Today?

On Wednesday March 13th my answer would have been that I learned TWO new things but as I reflect back on that day I realize that I learned so much more !  I have been learning (alongside my students, my colleague Sarah and her grade 2 students) about Livescribe pens and incorporating them into my English First Peoples 10 class.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs