syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

#ETMOOC, Movimenti aperti e Open Government

#ETMOOC  affronta il IVargomento: The Open Movemen; per me è un’occasione per richiamare alla mente informazioni già assimilate,ma soprattutto per esplorare un settore a cui mi sono già avvicinata, ma sul quale ambisco un approfondimento ritenendo che possa fornire le chiavi per capire cosa sta accadendo e soprattutto potrà accadere nel rapporto Governo/cittadinanza.…

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Goodbye to Anonymous

Image from

In an attempt to be a more open contributor, I changed my settings in 2013 to allow for anonymous comments. My thoughts were that anyone should be able to contribute or share if they find value in what I write.…

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Here’s the intro to Session 2: CSS. I’m thrilled…

Here’s the intro to Session 2: CSS. I’m thrilled with the positive response from both the live & local  as well as the connected learning experience @ Women Learning Tech: Create a Website for Session 1: HTML. I’m definitely out of my comfort zone with CSS, but hoping that inspires folks to join in no matter what their skill level to learn and share together! 

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“…totally uncharted territory.”

#IntroGuitar Performance Day

Something that I haven’t given as much blog attention here as I would have liked so far this semester is the vibrant community that has sprung up around our school’s Introduction to Guitar class. Having had students post their work regularly to a wiki site in past years, I wanted to incorporate some of the design lessons I learned in #Philosophy12 and create a site that could function as a hub of creation, collaboration, and community that would serve not only our school’s face-to-face guitar students, but also offer wayfinding musicians on the open web a place to play, learn, and offer their own expertise to one another.…

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An Easy Method for Building Relationships in Online Courses

Guest post written by Dr. Heather Farmakis, author of iLearn: Tips and Tricks for Online Learning.   Building rapport and establishing relationships are critical to the success of an online course. This practice promotes learning, engagement, and retention. I understand the importance of community first-hand from the perspective of a student.…

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Expert panel brings clarity to MOOCs in Business+MOOCs Hangout

Expert panel brings clarity to MOOCs in Business+MOOCs Hangout — fron

The Business+MOOC Panel
Host: Jay Cross
Educators:  Dave Cormier, Stephen Downes, Terri Griffith and George Siemens
Business People: Jos Arets, Bert De Coutere, Lal Jones-Beyy (from Coursera) Mark Finnern,  Jerry Michalski


Also see:

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EDMODO.COM Continued

Today I want to talk a little more about  If you haven’t signed up, you need to.  This is my new “go to” place on the web to collaborate with others, find resources and conduct classes.  I recently got one third grade teacher and her class on Edmodo. …

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Developing digital literacies through digital storytelling tools

This post is organised in this way:
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Sugata Mitra: Build a School in the Cloud

Sugata Mitra talks about self-directed learning and students using computers to find information for themselves. He has a lot of very interesting ideas about how schools could be run and the overall purpose of education. I’m not sure I agree with his total goals, but there are certainly concepts that need to be incorporated into traditional education.…

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Learning, literacy and digital literacy

There seems to be a disconnect between learning and literacy including digital literacy thanks to a perpetuating belief that confuses learning with literacy creating a bipolar world of learners and non-learners, literate and illiterate. The formalization of the educational system has deepened the divide between these contrasting categories by ignoring those who are informal literate and informal illiterate learners.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs