syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Adventure School

Mt. Fuji
this photo are available for download under a Creative Commons license
Retrieved from Flickr and born1945


“We are the stories we tell.” – Darren Kuropatwa

“The truth about stories is that’s all we are.” – Thomas King

The job I had before I got back into teaching elementary school was with a Japanese Company called FIA in a program called Adventure School. …

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Coming Soon… Minnesota Blog Partners?

Weeks ago I posted an exciting opportunity for my linear English 10 students but at this point in time we have not made contact with our partners.  I was issued a username and password by the IT department at Karla’s school and I was able to view and read the Minnesota students’ blogs. …

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Digital Literacy: Ownership #etmooc

Who owns our data?

Our School

Our school encourages in our daily work and curricula a continuous emphasis on digital citizenship and digital safety; we practice citizenship in our classrooms, virtual and in reality. This discussion and practice we hope will carry over into our students’ personal choices, online and and off.…

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Tower Challenge – Final Designs

Check out the amazing towers.  There was a lot learned about engineering, design, perseverance, balance, and working together as a team.  The class is looking forward to our next engineering challenge.  Let us know if you are an engineer that would like to skype with our class and teach.…

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What Can You Do With a Dot?

I was pretty excited to introduce the Livescribe pen to my class prior to using it with our “little grade 2 buddies.” I think the Livescribe pen is an amazing tool but apparently, my Grade 10 students thought differently.

If you are unfamiliar with Livescribe pens check out this introductory Youtube video.…

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My Top 5 Reasons For Doing #GeniusHour 

5.  Personalizing education is so important.  Not all learners are the same, so why should their education be the same?  Genius Hour allows students to choose their own projects, personalizing their own learning.

4.  Kids need time to be creative!  Check out Sir Ken Robinson’s TedTalk below.
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Passion-based work

My eldest is in grade 12 this year and we’ve been talking a lot about “what next”.  When I was in grade 12, my dad gave me some well-meaning but poor advice.  At the time, I really enjoyed languages and thought I would like doing something in that field at university. …

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Hosting a Webinar and Stem PBL

On Wednesday February 27th I took part in a webinar from the Buck Institute about STEM PBL. The Buck Institute provides great training and resources for learning about and implementing project-based learning (PBL) in your classroom. I have taken part in two hands-on PBL training sessions about Project Based Learning with the Buck Institute (PBL 101 and PBL 201) in Red Deer and participated in a few of their webinars.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs