syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Risking taking risks

This week’s #etmooc sessions have led me down the path of diffusion of innovation theories and I have started to collect together some interesting research sources. I want to explore if and how crossing the chasm can be expedited. However, it will take me a little while to gather my thoughts around this.

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Topic #3: Digital Literacy

There wasn't a specific brief for this topic and so the following post is made up of some musings revolving around digital literacy and how that impacts teachers.

Literacy means an ability to ‘read’ and consume the content before you. To be digitally literate suggests that you are able to work with a variety of digital media and, as such, differs from web literacy as it implies that it is more to do with the devices used than one application on those devices.

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Digital Storytelling: Contrasting Pictures of Africa

If a picture is worth a thousand words, how much is it worth if combined with three others as shown below?

And if these four are juxtaposed to the set of four below, what might be the takeaway message?
In digital storytelling, in contrast to traditional print journalism, readers have the ability to react to the author and to each other as they comment.
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Millennial Czech EU integration

eu_logo_s_mapouIn 1995 Czech Republic signed the European Union Association Agreement. This decision caused our associated status in the EU Socrates programme, in which beginning 1998 we were allowed to participate even before the official entry (2004). Socrates was a wide project dealing in area of education funded by huge money.…

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Do you moderate your comments?

(image from
As my never ending endeavor to continue to be a contributor and producer in the #etmooc community and a better blogger in general, I am still spending time reviewing blogs and trying to leave thoughtful comments. I learn so much from watching comments and thread’s take off that I love being able to get feed’s and emails from blogs I have commented on previously.…

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New Site, Look for True Stories of Open Sharing

I was not happy with the way my site was working out to present the new collection of True Stories of Open Sharing. I found my categories were forcing me into artificial classification. And the nifty gizmo I had used previously, CoolIris, for the “wall of media”, works, but is annoyingly tedious to update (manually editing of a Media RSS file).…

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Curating: My passion

As I work on my project, Content Curation, for my EDCI 515 course, I realize that I have found my true calling within the realm of technology:  it is the joy of curating.  For the last few years, I have been bookmarking my favorite sites, Youtube clips, and any other useful information for my French, Japanese, and English classes.  …

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs