syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Learning to Storify

Another #etmooc task under my belt … my first storify. I decided to storify some of the tweets from the past week that demonstrate my PLN at work via twitter. I get so much from interacting with others on twitter – ideas, educational conversation and banter, feedback, affirmation and challenge, professional reading and even new shopping sites!

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Blogging Resources and Best Practices

I have been blogging for about three years, but it has only been since I joined etmooc that I have blogged with any frequency. Last year I mostly blogged to share information and resources from professional development sessions and to share my photos.…

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Out and about with the iPads

We started the week in Yr 7 with the “Angles in the Real world’ task. Out in the yard looking for examples of different types of angles, including complementary and supplementary angles to photograph was not only an engaging activity for the students, but valuable formative assessment.  …

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Networking in My Zone of Proximal Development

In the Deep End
CC licensed photo  shared by Flickr user edenpictures

When my nephew Jack was five years old, he was afraid to swim in the deep end.  My sister, Jennifer, put him in swimming lessons but Jack politely refused to go into the deep end of the pool with his swimming teacher.
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The Mona Lisa Effect: or Why Da Vinci Would Have Loved Skateboarding

Mona Lisa graffiti stencil

First off, I’m sticking with this title, even though there’s some buzz on the Internet about a very different sort of “Mona Lisa Effect”.

Most of us are quite familiar with the illusive and exquisite Leonardo Da Vinci painting La Gioconda, but we forget to realize that – at least in the artist’s eyes- she was never finished.…

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Can You Lend me a Hand? New Course Ideas Needed

Ok, I just received a request for more courses falling under the “Computer Education or Integration” realm in a masters program. We already have Networked Learning which covers:

  • Blogs and comments
  • Animoto
  • Webinars
  • Podcasts
  • Diggo
  • Digital Citizenship
  • All in 12 weeks.…

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    syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs