syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

IPhone as a Learning Tool

Tonight I participated in an #ETMOOC BB Collaborate session with two of my fellow UMB grad students and about 50 other participants.  The facilitator led a robust discussion on ways to use technology to tell stories – storytelling being a valuable learning tool.…

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Coming Full Circle with Digital Storytelling in #etmooc

After dabbling with digital storytelling last week as part of the work I’m doing as a learner in #etmooc, the Education Technology and Media MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) organized by University of Regina professor of educational and media Alec Couros and several “co-conspirators,” I circled back on the theme in a more focused and serious way.…

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Show Me: a Digital Story

225114_10150239812920797_581850796_9050899_5983927_nShowme: A Digital Story

After struggling with videoscribe last night. I was pleasently surprised with the ease it took to create my 8th digital story using the Ipad App Showme. This was so easy that I would even recommend it for elementary classrooms.…

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Connected Learning and Blogs

Though we’ve been using the “CMS” (course management system) since grad. school, the concept of “connected learning” still seems relatively new to education.  It’s only about a year ago that our school began to pursue options for what we now call an “LMS” (learning management system). …

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Making GIFs makes me feel like …


Just watched the GIF Variety Show for #etmooc and felt inspired to make this. I call it How Making GIFs Makes Me Feel. Brent DanceBased on this clip from the British version of The Office, and created using PwnYouTube, MPEG Streamclip and Photoshop’s Animate feature.…

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‘Mute’ny on the Bloggy

I have been curating/lurking/learning from my experience taking #etmooc.   I am impressed with the sharing on many levels from those participating.  One example would be the YouTube The Cynefin Framework:


I have even worked on my pronunciation of Cynefin ;) but participation has to become my next step…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs