syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

#etmooc Tweet Chat: Navigating Streams and Rivers

Fascinated by and immersed in Twitter backchannels and tweet chats, I’ve recently been assisting learners in the latest offering of our ALA Editions Social Media Basics course as they explore live chat sessions in a variety of social media platforms.

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Froggy Love

FroggyHello everyone! First time I’ve had a chance to post since the intro. I’ve so enjoyed meeting the #etmooc community on Google+.  I feel really moved by the generosity that I’ve encountered  here. When I’ve asked questions — one seeking  mentorship on video production for middleschoolers, and a simple tech question – they were promptly answered.…

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#etmooc Digital Story Telling Experiment: Animated GIF v. 2

Here’s a “prototype” gif for teaching students how to draw treble clefs, and learn the order of sharps and flats. Not perfect, but I think it has potential!

I know it is not a story per se, but I think it is a really interesting way to teach a concept like this!…

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Animated Giffing

lord_leaping_thAfter downloading GIMP and deciding that the learning curve was a little to steep, I created this animated gif using Photoshop.

Down by Law

This animated gif was made using GIFSoup.  After looking through lists of possible online and offline options and scanning various complex sets of instructions, GIFSoup looked like a good choice and was remarkably easy to use.…

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An Introduction to Blade Runner

I’ve been MIA from etmooc for the past week or so, busy time at work, edutalk and life in general have conspired. I’ve been glancing at g+ and reading a fraction of the posts but that is about it.

Daunted from doing much thinking I decided to fall back on animating gifs, one of the tasks in topic 2.…

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Digital Storytelling

     This week’s theme has been digital storytelling.  I enjoy telling stories.  I enjoy writing them, sharing them, and am interested in using digital methods to tell them.  In the past, I have used Movie Maker to create my family stories but this week I learned about the smorgasbord of tools out there for digital storytelling.
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Does Storyboarding Take Creativity Away?

As I pondered the new assignments from #etmooc on Digital Storytelling, I found myself reflecting on the many ways and forms I myself have learned and taught digital storytelling. From Scratch to Animoto, Voicethread, Photostory, GoAnimate and anything really within the web 2.0 realm.…

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Digital Story: Growth

I made a digital story! It still needs some editing, but I’ll have to wait for some time off work to fine tune it. Click below to see the animation. It’s inspired by a picture I took on the way home from Estevan (see Bits and Bites).…

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6 Words, 2 birds, 1 stone

Hello fellow etmoocers,

This will be short and sweet! Totally enjoying the parts of this module that I am able to engage with – as always time is too short so just dipping in and out. God bless Twitter for keeping me up to date!…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs