syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

content curation and mismatching socks

As anybody that knows me would tell you, I am a very disorganized person. I ten to leave all my documents (passports, ID, etc)  in a drawer (ok, but which one?), spare photocopies all piled up in a very old box which looks like about to explode at any time, bank notes and coins all over the place (pockets, on tables, inside books…).…

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Building Neighborhoods #etmooc #midleved : an invitation


We’re building a new neighborhood. Want to visit for a while?

As I learn more about PLNs through #etmooc, especially from @bhwilkoff, I realize I have a responsibility to help find and support the sub-committees that have a common focus.  …

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Switching between Delicious and Diigo: and MultiMOOC to ETMOOC

I’m sorry that Chris is having problems with her Posterous account. Posterous is not acting properly these days.  It is particularly not welcoming to newcomer Chris, as she has documented here:

Two affordances of Posterous in education contexts

But in this post I am hoping to illustrate two affordances of Posterous that I have been able to make excellent use of as a teacher and teacher-trainer.

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Wearing My Parent Hat

What is a school?

Is it a building or a location? Is it a group of people who teach and learn together? Is it an organization grouped around a unified philosophy of learning?

I work at a school I love, though I fumble about inarticulately when I try to explain why it makes me so happy.…

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The Power of the Internet

Alec’s page.

This week Dr. Alec Couros { @courosa } shared with our class using adobe connect. I’m a fair hand at skype, but simultaneous video, audio, chat, presentation is awesome, even if the audio crashes every few minutes.
Alec started with talking

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repurposing learning


CC Image Source:

Learning in the “presence of those who are absent” (Rheingold, 2002, p. 196) can be an uplifting process, however the #etmooc carnival currently playing in a Google+/ Twitter/ Blackboard collaborate zone-near-you draws on each participant’s metacognitive process to enhance repurposing and synthesises connected learning, as illustrated above.…

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Connected Learning

educational technology and media

     This week’s topic for #ETMOOC has been Connected Learning: Tools/Processes/Pedagogy, which I think is perfect because our Internet for Educators class has also been discussing Connected Learning as well! For me Connected Learning definitely included my PLN, so I’ve created a “Visualization of my PLN” below.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs