syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Wheels Within Wheels

“Wheels within wheels in a spiral array, 
A pattern so grand and complex, 
Time after time we lose sight of the way, 

Our causes can’t see their effects.”


#ETMOOC is Overwhelming.

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Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?

Bird EggGoing through the orientation for #ETMOOC, two questions were asked of participants:

  • How will you make your learning visible to others?
  • How are you contributing to the learning of others?

I was already a little stressed about figuring out #ETMOOC and how it would fit into my already full schedule, but really wanted to participate in the experience and thought the benefits definitely outweighed the stresses over the coming weeks.  …

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Researchers Recommend Core Changes in Education The digital divide is rapidly becoming a chasm for those with less or no access to the tech tools the rest of us are taking for our opportunities continue to grow…others are not just lagging behind..they are falling … Continue reading

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You Are What You Curate #ETMOOC


Do you wonder how to organize all the ideas you want to keep so you can do something with them? I’ve been introduced to StorifyPearltrees, and IFTTT as ways to annotate and organize those bits of information I want to synthesize and share in meaning and action. …

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Getting Started with #ETMOOC!

I’ve been reading on Twitter all about MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and now I’m participating in one.  #Etmooc is a networking MOOC focused on Educational Technology. Here’s the schedule and the calendar. I’m very excited about Digital Storytelling and Digital Literacy. …

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Boundaries and the Loop of Circular Causality

A second characteristic to emerge from thinking of boundaries as included middles is circular causality, or the feedback loop. In The Reform of Thought (2008), Morin begins his explanation of circular causality by quoting Pascal: “I hold knowing the whole to be impossible if I do not know the parts nor can I know the parts if I do not know the whole.”…

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Teacher Leadership, EdTech , #ETMOOC, oh my!

I’m in grad school, working diligently towards my degree in Educational Technology.  The course I started this week is on Teacher Leadership and already, I’m able to see the comparisons to working in educational technology.

amen to THAT!

One article in particular has caused a good deal of reflection for me: Teacher Leadership, by Shelly Kurtz outlines what makes a good instructional leader in a school building and how this doesn’t necessarily mean being the principal.…

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Exam Proctoring: A Review of the Top Five Tools

In our many years of partnering with and consulting online instructors, we quickly learned one of their biggest concerns: exam security. Knowing this, we’ve provided proven recommendations to help promote academic honesty and prevent cheating on online course exams, and more recently we showed you how fostering a community of practice is one of the […]

The post Exam Proctoring: A Review of the Top Five Tools appeared first on Faculty eCommons.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs