syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Social interactions and learning

A conversation on learning
(Image credit: Vandy CFT)

One of the trends with technology today is that it is beginning to redefine the means through which we are social. Prior to the invention of writing, social learning meant discussing ideas with someone in person, the invention of writing allowed social interactions to span geographic and chronological barriers.…

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Karen Libby’s MOOC 2013-01-20 23:47:00

I am just lurking in twitter. I think I am having some difficulty tweeting because I am not confident enough yet to share my thoughts. That and I haven’t been engaged in a conversation that would require my 2 cents! Maybe I need to broaden my following.…

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just blogging about blogging

Alert: meta blogging ahead!

This coming week is a blogging week on both #ETMOOC and Multi(literacies) MOOC. In addition to asking participants to blog and share feeds, Vance reactivated the Multiliteracies group blog on Posterous. Week 2 etM facilitator, Sue Waters posted, “Learning through blogging as part of a connectivist MOOC,” which she describes as, “more of an intro to the pedagogical aspects of blogging as opposed to the technical.”…

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Checking Out My Classmates cMOOC Style

Who Should I Sit Next To?
It’s been awhile since I was in University. But I do remember the first day of each course looking around for someone I know. I remember trying to figure out who would be good to sit next to and who would be useful to get to know.

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Making My Learning Visible

Part of the emphasis of the Educational Technology & Media course that I’m taking right now (ETMOOC) is to make your learning visible.  Lately I have not been reflecting here on my learning, despite the fact I’ve been learning a lot in my new position this school year.  …

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Setting sail, master of my own ship…

From the moment I discovered that #ETMOOC had started, I signed up and started to explore the new online community. Within hours I felt totally engaged and felt an inner spark, being fanned into a raging fire—a fire to learn and apply my learning to my current work challenges.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs