syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

#etmooc Not a four letter word (anymore)

Two days have passed since the collaborative #etmooc experience. I'm catching up: The weather is much improved and I have a reliable Internet connection with which to move data. The point of this post is the cMOOC (connectivist Massive Open Online Course) as described during the #etmooc Orientation Week Activity.…

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Some Initial Thoughts on #ETMOOC

I made it through my first #ETMOOC twitterchat! Unsurprisingly, it was overflowing with positive energy, wonderful resources, and good humor. The information was flowing fast and furious, but I did my best to keep up and follow some threads of conversation that were of particular interest to me and my work.…

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Jumped into the Water. Now What?

January 14, 2013 @ 7:00pm EST etmooc had the equivalent of a “meet ‘n greet” online.  Over two hundred participants were online pumped and releasing a surge of energy and ideas into chat  and Twitter while Alec introduced the course.

I feel exhausted from the hype, the technical difficulties, trying to catch up and thrilled with the interactiveness of the slides. …

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How Do I Make My Learning Visible?

Other commitments will not allow me to engage as much as I would like for these first few weeks. So, another text post. I do plan to have multimedia posts in the future.
I have only been able to glance at others’ insights and perspectives, but am deeply impressed by the range and depth of exploration.
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How Can Teachers Prepare Kids for a Connected World

I would like to thank for this amazing article ,I really enjoyed reading it and all the rich ideas that are included ,I loved the comparison between kids when they play games and how  they throw themselves into it without reading any rules and they keep on trying and trying where they can  fail once and twice but they are so determined to succeed.…

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The LMS-less MOOC

I am excited to take part in my fifth MOOC. As with all the past MOOCs, I anticipate learning through collaboration, sharing, networking, and experimentation. I hope to meet and learn from diverse people around the world. I have no doubt that I will grow, learn, and be inspired by the creativity and innovation of others. …

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs