syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

How Do I Make My Learning Visible?

During our first #etmooc session, Alec Couros asked: “How do you make your learning visible?” This is a good question, and one I’ve struggled with often. I think it’s important–not just for me but also for my students.

There are many ways learning is visible.…

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Lots of Chatter, Little Connection

I joined the #etmooc orientation this afternoon from my office at work.  Which meant that my office phone rang, people walked in asking questions and I felt torn between what was needed and what I wanted to be doing. Apparently, my timezone will always place the class time in the midst of something else – […]

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ETMOOC- Redfining Success…

Hello, my name is Sean Grainger. I’m in my 19th year of learning as a teacher having experienced a diverse range of assignments. I am currently a Humanities 7 teacher at Glendale Sciences and Technology School in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada.

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A MOOC introduction

Hi MOOCers.

A short video about me:

Thanks so much to those organising this amazing MOOC experience. I look forward to connecting and learning with as many people as possible during the next few weeks.

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Greetings… better late than never…Al Smith Teacher-librarian Kelowna Secondary School, Kelowna BC. Canada.
had fun actually but work got in the way. :-)

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Instructor, Facilitator or Free-For-All: What Will ETMOOC Provide?

An about me paragraph:

My name is Rolin Moe, and I am a doctoral student studying learning technologies through Pepperdine University’s Distance Education in Learning Technologies program.  I enroll in a lot of MOOCs, participate in some, complete few.  My interest is mostly as a researcher, looking at how the technology affords the ballasts of education:  purpose, interaction, assessment.  …

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What now?

I just finished my Ed.S. in Instructional Technology. Since finishing my degree, I have been inspired to take my career to the next level. I have been working on several new projects since August. The first is an iBook for my class.…

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What now?

I just finished my Ed.S. in Instructional Technology. Since finishing my degree, I have been inspired to take my career to the next level. I have been working on several new projects since August. The first is an iBook for my class.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs