syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

"Live long and prosper" #EDC MOOC!

Thanks to my fraingers: Elena Sher, Chris Swift and Angela Towndrow who shared their video stories using VideoScribe, I’ve discovered yet another web 2.0 tool students and teachers can use to express themselves. I definitely need to work on the camera angles and other features, but for my first vid, I think it’s not too bad…please share your video scribes if you decide to make one.…

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Greetings & Salutations from Fred Galang on Vimeo. Hello ETMOOC and welcome to my site. Looking forward to seeing and hearing about everyone’s ideas and thoughts about education and beyond. For my web vitals, please click on my About Me page.…

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After a terrific EVO course in 2012, this time I have decided to enrol in three courses:

1.  How to become a Webhead – BAW

Communication Channels

Yahoo Group

Communication modes

There are two main communication modes throughout this workshop: asynchronous and synchronous.
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As part of MOOC MOOC I’ve spent a lot of time looking at Venn diagrams or c0ncentric type pictures. Within pictures such as these – maybe I am too visual – there is an inevitable structure given to data or events in our case student networks or zones of development of knowledge.…

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Rewiring the Classroom

In the last 5 chapters of his book The Art of Changing the Brain, Zull suggests the practical implications of neuroscience for the classroom, beginning with the use of sensory experience:

SENSE LUSCIOUS: Using the power of the sensory brain to help people learn – The brain is wired for sensory experience, and while sight is the most powerful of the senses for most people, sensory experience …

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Throw It All – Some Will Stick

Big snow came to our city last week and the students at my school basked in their glory. There’s something about kids playing in newly fallen snow that makes us all smile. They go all out; jumping, diving and rolling in it with this renewed sense of reckless abandon.…

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Reflection Enriching Education

We do not learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience.  John Dewey
Image: Danilo Rizzuti /
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.  Soren Kierkegaard
In order to maximize meaning from experiences one must reflect on the experience.
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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs