syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Steep but Fun

A year ago I joined a committee at my school to explore an iPad 1:1 pilot. My role was the tech rookie, representing tentative adopters of new technology. We researched and drafted a proposal that is now working its way through the funding and approval stages; if all goes well we’ll have iPads and training for all grade 10 teachers and students next fall.…

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And It Begins….#ETMOOC

Tomorrow I will start the long anticipated Educational Technology MOOC #etmooc (my first ever cMOOC).  The course was designed and developed by Professor Alec Couros and his merry band of contributors.

#etmooc contributors

#etmooc contributors

I’m quite excited to be involved in this MOOC.…

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Rewiring the Classroom

In the last 5 chapters of his book The Art of Changing the Brain, Zull suggests the practical implications of neuroscience for the classroom, beginning with the use of sensory experience:

SENSE LUSCIOUS: Using the power of the sensory brain to help people learn – The brain is wired for sensory experience, and while sight is the most powerful of the senses for most people, sensory experience …

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Throw It All – Some Will Stick

Big snow came to our city last week and the students at my school basked in their glory. There’s something about kids playing in newly fallen snow that makes us all smile. They go all out; jumping, diving and rolling in it with this renewed sense of reckless abandon.…

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Now what have I gone and done?

As I sometimes do over the holidays, when I have a few minutes to sit and think, I go and sign up for stuff. This time around I signed up for the RPS Half and an ETMOOC.

I have found that Twitter has completely changed my PLN, introducing me to tons of new people who share my view of education and with whom I can collaborate at anytime of day or night.…

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I think the best way to understand how and why educators need to change practice is for educators to be students themselves. But not traditional students in a traditional course either face-to-face or online. Not a course that has deadlines, pre-determined activities, and averages.
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Reflection Enriching Education

We do not learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience.  John Dewey
Image: Danilo Rizzuti /
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.  Soren Kierkegaard
In order to maximize meaning from experiences one must reflect on the experience.
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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs