syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs


After a terrific EVO course in 2012, this time I have decided to enrol in three courses:

1.  How to become a Webhead – BAW

Communication Channels

Yahoo Group

Communication modes

There are two main communication modes throughout this workshop: asynchronous and synchronous.
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#ETMOOC Is Starting This Week

I have participated in online learning as both a student and an instructor. None has been MASSIVE before now. This week I will begin participating in #ETMOOC.  It stands for Educational Technology Massive Open Online Course.

What excites me about this course is that I will be able to practice several educational priorities for me.…

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MOOC: Say what? Let the #etmooc adventure begin.

I signed up for a MOOC last year, at the time I had no idea what it was, I just knew I was curious and intrigued.

This time around I have a better sense what I am diving in to and am brimming with delicious excitement wrapped in nervous anticipation (Can I keep up?…

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I am excited to be part of ETMOOC and I am learning new things all the time.  Including adding a label to my blog.  Future posts will have the ETMOOC label as well.…

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As part of MOOC MOOC I’ve spent a lot of time looking at Venn diagrams or c0ncentric type pictures. Within pictures such as these – maybe I am too visual – there is an inevitable structure given to data or events in our case student networks or zones of development of knowledge.…

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Unmissable Professional Development Opportunities

January 14th. A date to remember for two very good reasons. It is the launching of #etmooc , with an amazing line-up of organizers, the wonderful team of “conspirators ” < My expectations are high and besides the discussions on the Ed Tech field and the connections, I’m always interested in how these online experiences are organized, mainly to enhance conversations, discussions, distributed in online spaces.

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MOOC Madness

Monday marks the start of the Massive Online Open Course: Educational Technology & Media (etmooc). And even though they haven’t figured out how acronyms work, it is the brain child of a lot smart people in the EdTech community. There are currently “over 1200 participants registered representing 67 countries,” and I am but one of the masses.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs