syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Registered for etMOOC course starting tomorrow.

Hi All, I am Paul Pivec and even though I am an experienced developer, nothing is ever easy. I have an existing web site running under wordpress, which I use for my academic bibliography. However, I have never used a blog on this site, just utilised the static pages.…

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My first #etmooc experience… here we go!


I’ve mentioned previously that I worked with a number of colleagues developing a technology catalyst team last year.  Our primary goal was to use technology in a meaningful way, to foster engagement while reaching outcomes but also, teaching students about digital fluency and their role in achieving it. …

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Txakurramesetak 2013-01-13 12:17:00

Lindos sueños by Rantes Aguirre on Flickr

Txakurramesetak literally means dog’s dreams in Basque, it also means utopia in a figurative sense. I usually end up dogdreaming when I post… Here’s a summary of my dog dreams related to #etmooc:

Any dogs dreaming like me out there?…

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#etmooc Introduction

Hello. My name is Kara Jacobs. I am from Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, USA. I have been teaching for 15 years. I am a Spanish teacher at a public high school. I am also a mom of two boys, ages 4 and 8.

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Building the ETMOOC Blog Hub (part 2)

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo shared by epc

In my last post, I quickly overviewed the wordpress customizations I did to set up the ETMOOC Blog Hub. Using the Feedwordpress plugin for a few feeds is easy to do, and it does a rather slick job of finding feeds from a blog URL.…

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#etmooc Introduction Task

Our first task (other than getting organised!) for ETMOOC is to create a video/slideshow introduction to ourselves. I decided to use the app videoscribe to create mine with a tagxedo word cloud included as well. I have used this app to make clips for staff meetings and our 5/6 students have also used it – very simple and quite effective.

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs