syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

The Importance of Reflection

“What we plant in the soil of contemplation, we shall reap in the harvest of action.” Meister Eckhart

This year our district added online courses (stand alone, blended) to course offerings for students. A required element for students is posting a reflection of their learning for the week in a Learning Journal.…

DownUp (No Ratings Yet)


Last year I tried to participate in a MOOC run by George Siemens, Dave Cormier, and Stephen Downes, and failed miserably. I didn’t do the work, and I didn’t make the time.

This time around I’m hoping to engage more often with the #etmooc community and content.…

DownUp (No Ratings Yet)

In the beginning….

Ok here I go….this is my first blog post. I really have no idea what I am doing. I want to learn how to use technology for learning so I jumped in to an online corse that will require me to use all kinds of technology I have never tried.…

DownUp (No Ratings Yet)

Who I Am

How to explain to a group of strangers who I am…

I am a mom- my sons are 19 and 21 and I miss them like crazy! They live in the US, one is a recent college graduate- yay, J! One is in his second year of university, yay, C!…

DownUp (No Ratings Yet)


I am easily distracted.

CC via: net_efekt

My students are treated to that little bit of information on a daily basis when we start talking about one thing in class and we get off on a tangent and just keep going.  …

DownUp (No Ratings Yet)

"Live long and prosper" #EDC MOOC!

Thanks to my fraingers: Elena Sher, Chris Swift and Angela Towndrow who shared their video stories using VideoScribe, I’ve discovered yet another web 2.0 tool students and teachers can use to express themselves. I definitely need to work on the camera angles and other features, but for my first vid, I think it’s not too bad…please share your video scribes if you decide to make one.…

DownUp (No Ratings Yet)
syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs