syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Welcome to Cinis et Favilla!

I created this blog with a twofold purpose in mind:  to get my students thinking about Classical culture outside of a classroom and to give them an opportunity to improve their digital literacy in the expression of their ideas.  To that end, I will encourage them to keep their own blogs in a similar fashion, with posts on anything related to the Latin language, Classical literature and myth, art, history, architecture, etc.…

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Beautiful Evil: The Challenge of Helen of Troy

Ruby Blondell is coming to the Getty Villa Saturday, 9/15 at 2pm to give a free public lecture Beautiful Evil: The Challenge of Helen of Troy.  She’s a well-known Classicist from the University of Washington, and the lecture should be very interesting.
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Why I’m using Remind 101 this year

For the last few years, I’ve sent parents a ‘daily email’ that included a link to our team announcements, homework, events, and a “What did you do at school today?” section to help generate conversation at night! I borrowed this idea of course.
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Introduction to PBL Power Point

Below is a Introduction to Project-Based Learning Power Point.  It’s nothing fancy – I chose not to do a Prezi because of the amount of info I included.  It’s full of information on the Why, The What, and The How and there are links to a tremendous amount of resources. …

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A door isn’t a destination

I think I’ve given up on Open as a concept. The word open has more people with fingers in the pie that the pie is a cannibals delight. It doesn’t seem to have any meaning, and so it’s emotional quality, polemic tendency or dogma is dead – “once more out of the breach, dear friends” – doesn’t really have gravitas.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs