syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Time to Begin Using MOOCs to Harvest and Aggregate Our Collective Knowledge for an Educational Technology and Media Knowledge Base for Teaching

In gold mining, I’ve heard miners use terms like “overburden,” “pay gravel,” “gold pan,” “sample,” “bedrock,” “gold path,” “color,” “gold flakes,” gold nuggets,” “we got gold!” The miner scrapes away the overburden or soil on a claim until they reach pay gravel which lies on top of the bedrock.…

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Preparation for #ETMOOC

A perspective from one of many MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) participants

Participants in ETMOOC

As I read through the Orientation material from #ETMOOC leader and facilitator Alec Couros, I realize there are a few things to do. For example, participants should:

  • Monitor the #etmooc tweets on Twitter I can do that!
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Tackling a New Year’s Resolution with

I set a goal that in 2013, I would be more proactive in exploring new learning technologies. If you’re like me, you read about a new learning technology, know that it would benefit your online course, tell yourself that you will look into it later, and then it gets stored in the Bermuda Triangle of […]

The post Tackling a New Year’s Resolution with

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#etmooc Prossimo avvio



Quando 10 gennaio 2013 – 30 marzo 2013

Dove      web come piattaforma, blog personale

Google Community:
Diigo Group:
Facebook Group:

Principali organizzatori, sviluppatori e facilitatori di # etmooc:

Ammissione: aperta

Destinatari Il corso è rivolto  insegnanti e studenti di istruzione in tutti i settori che stanno cercando di capire meglio e migliorare la loro pratica educativa attraverso l’utilizzo da parte di tecnologia.…

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etmooc for the rest of us

So … #etmooc.

I”m in a … course? Experience? Learning environment? called #etmooc.

Meh, I’ll just write it out for those that don’t know … Educational Technology Massive Open Online Course. In a word, the future.

You won’t believe me but I had a discussion today in my class with a student having to attend a school in person, he asked.…

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A Second Attempt at a MOOC

The purpose of this blog is to allow myself to fully engage in the #ETMOOC event. I’ve tried participating in MOOCs before but was a “lurker” and did not fully engage. My hope is that this blog provides a foundation for documentation of my learning, invitation for others’ perspectives and critiques, and awarenesses regarding MOOCs for the purpose of keeping myself active in open education events and to investigate the possibility of this type of MOOCs for adult literacy learners (i.e.…

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2013 #mooc season begins: #moocmooc

Diary of a Bad Student: Day 1 (or is it 2?)


Yesterday (or midnight today) Hybrid Pedagogy‘s #moocmooc kicked off with a 6 pm Twitter social that I missed, although I did manage to waste a good deal of time sticking digital fingers in the leak sprung dike I call an inbox.…

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EdcMooc: #1 “Are you my people?”

A favorite childhood story, Are you my Mother? by PD Eastman tells the story about a baby bird whose mother leaves her to secure food.  The impatient baby bird embarks upon a journey to discover who her mother might be … Continue reading

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs