syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Translating Glow Blogs

Last night I saw this tweet:

The mention Karl was mentioning came from the Suffusion theme which has just been retired from Glow Blogs.…

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Loch Oss & Ben Oss

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I am testing the WP-OSM-Plugin I was hoping that the map would show the photos on markers as well as the GPX track I’ve uploaded. There is an example: EXIF-Test-page | WordPress OpenStreetMap Plugin

The shortcode I am using looks ok to me and the photos are geotagged.…

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Hands On Maths – painting too!

As you might be able to tell I have a new fascination with all things Montessori and rather than reading what other people say about it, I’ve gone to the original books by Maria Montessori herself (English versions translated from the Italian).…

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Student-created animal documentary

 “I don’t really like writing,” said one of my particularly uninhibited students towards the end of last year, “no one ever sees it… it doesn’t seem very important.” At the ripe old age of 6 this student constantly surprises me and today she really hit the nail of the head.…

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Podcasting podcast on GlowCast



I’ve just posted this podcast episode over at GlowCast. GlowCast is a podcast for myself and colleagues in Glow. A short 3-4 minutes listen. The transcript is on the original post.…

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The Fight Against Forgetting Part 2: Perfect Practice (Back2Basics)

“Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.” – Vince Lombardi

We all want our students to learn and grow and we, as instructors, need to make sure we are doing the best we can to improve our students’ memories to
fight against forgetting.

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Enviable Stuff 2015-08-20

The blog I’ve enjoyed reading most this summer has been Clarence Fisher’s.

I’m still a believer that my default classroom tech set up: classroom blog, discussion boards, individual blogs, wikis, google docs and hangouts, flickr, skype, and a few random pieces of production software (audacity, etc) does more to give kids a voice, to connect them with people on the other side of the globe who have new ideas for them to evaluate, than 90% of the VC dollars out there have done with the latest apps.

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A Learner-Centered Syllabus Helps Set the Tone for Learning

By: Mary Bart

At its most basic level, the syllabus is used to communicate information about the course, the instructor, learning objectives, assignments, grading
policies, due dates, the university’s academic integrity statement, and, in some cases, an increasingly long list of strongly worded admonitions on what is
and isn’t acceptable behavior in the college classroom.

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Quality Matters Monday: Standard 4.4

It’s Quality Matters Monday! Each Monday, we highlight a Quality Matters standard and review its importance in an online course and how we evaluate this

Today, we are reviewing Quality Matters Standards 4.4.

General Standard 4 addresses the inclusion of instructional materials that enable learners to achieve the stated learning objectives or competencies.

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Draftback amazing document playback

Draftback is a Chrome extension that lets you play back any Google Doc’s revision history (for docs you can edit). It’s like going back in time to look over your own shoulder as you write.

from: Get Draftback to Play Back Google Docs

The above is not a video but an embed from Draftback!…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs